Chapter 2: The Escape Part 2 (will be updated)

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"Shit! Fauna! We got more of 'em!" The woman from inside of the doorway shouted and gestured for Viola to walk inside, "Get in, I'll go get your brother."

Viola walked into the building while the woman went to retrieve the unconscious Helios. The building was dark, with only a few lanterns to light the place. Dust lined the place, and cobwebs were formed in the corners of the roof. Viola squinted his eyes and saw a few scattered instruments were sprawled on the floor. Curiosity got the best of Viola, and he tiptoed his way towards the three instruments on the floor. He reached for a small case and popped it open; inside was a small wooden violin. He was then was immediately startled when he went to pick it up.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A young voice questioned.

Viola's tail went between his legs, and he let out a yelp as he backed himself against the wall. Viola shut his eyes and held his ears down on his head, shaking like a leaf. The black cat then heard a door slam, and he slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground.

"I–I'm sorry! I–I won't touch them!" Viola's voice stumbled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He kept repeating.

He heard heavy footsteps walking towards him; he shook even more with each step. They stopped once they were in front of Viola.

"Hey, you're ok. I promise you're safe. You can open your eyes." The woman's voice was gentle.

Viola took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes, and luminescent green met soft brown. Viola was still in shock, but he had started to calm down. The woman was dressed in rain gear, her light brown hair was tied in a low bun, and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose.

"What's your name?" She asked, kneeling down to get on Viola's level.

"It's Viola..." He answered, his voice quiet and his hands in tight fists, "My brother's name is Helios."

The woman nodded and then stood, extending her hand out for Viola to take, "My name is Dina. I'm going to wake your brother so I can stitch his wound and he can get cleaned up. Fauna will take you to get some fresh clothes, and we'll throw out the facilities ones. You both are going to be okay."

Viola took her hand and stood on the floor. He finally saw the person with the voice that scared him. Viola's eyes widened when he saw her...

She was like him!

She had small antlers protruding from the top of her forehead, she had tiny hooved feet, and her legs were covered in a soft brown fur. A black eyepatch covered her right eye, and a slash scar was etched across her face. Freckles adorned her cheeks, and her navy blue hair was tied into a high ponytail. Fauna flashed Viola a smile and started to head up the stairs.

"Wait!" Viola abruptly said, "I don't want to leave Helios. Wake him up first. I want to see what you're doing." Viola requested.

Helios was laid on a few towels on the ground. He was soaked to the bone, and his clothes clung to his body. Dina nodded to Viola and pulled a vile out of her pocket. She uncorked it and held it under his nose. Helios shot awake, coughing and covering his nose with his hand to keep out the putrid smell. Helios gagged, moving his hand over his mouth in case he threw up. Viola rushed to his brother's side, holding onto his arm like his life depended on it.

Once Helios' coughing ceased, he sat up and moved Viola behind him, his eyes narrowing and his pupils forming into a slit. His tail puffed, and a low growl erupted from his throat.

"They can help us," Viola whispered to his brother, "You need help; you're hurt."

Helios looked at Viola, whose eyes were pleading. Helios sighed, his tense shoulders relaxed. He looked at Dina, his anxious expression unwavering, "You're going to help us...? Right?"

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