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Vega, Klaus and Celeste were walking through the hallways of shimmering, glowing castle, the place was pure magic, they heard Cepheus and Cassiopea talking. Leaning against the doors the guardians started listening to their conversations...

Cassiopea-She took everything from us! Everything Cepheus, how could she do this to us?

Cepheus-With all the magic within us...wait...

Cassiopea-What is it?

Cepheus walked towards the doors and opened them and looked at the Guardians...

Cepheus-Well, well, well.

Vega-What's happening?

Celetse-He's looking at us.

Klaus-You're not Cepheus...

Cepheus smirked.

Cepheus-Did you think it would be that easy, to understand my sorrow?

Klaus-How can you see us?

Vega-Wait, what's happening?

Klaus-He was never there.

Celeste-Klaus what are you talking about?

Klaus-I knew it was you, I just didn't know how exactly...

Cepheus-I sacrificed many of my children to become who I am...


Cepheus smirked.

Vega-Your children?

Cepheus-Vela, Crux, Sculptor, Tucana...

Vega-Okay that is messed up....you had other children?

Cassiopea approached as she looked around.

Cassiopea-Who are you talking to my dear.

Celeste-He's alive and she's not...

Klaus-He was never there.

Cepheus-You haven't seen the real me yet, your parents are doing everything to not make us meet but we all know which future you will choose, don't we Klaus...

Klaus kept quiet as Vega and Celeste looked at him confused.

Cepheus-You will never understand my sorrow! Because you were never in my position! You grew in golden castles with marks on your foreheads that made everyone worship and bow to you! I never had anything! And I had that taken away from me by my own daughter! The place I built with my own two hands shall be the very place I destroy!

Vega-What the hell is he talking about.

Klaus closed his eyes as the scenery changed and they were standing in the kingdom of Elefteria, in the bedsides of the fallen, they saw Oracle sitting by a bedside crying and humming a lullaby ...

LUMINOUS: ANTARES'S GRIEFWhere stories live. Discover now