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Tovi was waiting in front of the Gemini household. As elder Gemini walked slowly and stood in front of Tovi. Tovi threw the sword at the elder as Gemini held it and looked at the young Guardian.

Tovi-I am going to end you now.

Elder Gemini smirked. The elder put his hands together and did his clones as Tovi looked at the entire army Gemini had created.

Elder Gemini-First you must find me.

Tovi-I will end all of you!

Elder Gemini chuckled amused.

Tovi-This is amusing to you?!

Elder Gemini-You have much to learn Tovi.

Tovi looked at the elder and started attacking at all the clones, going insanely berserk Tovi started to use his powers tirelessly but the more he used his powers the more, Elder Gemini created his clones. Tovi stepped back and started to breath heavily.

Elder Gemini-A battle is not a game young Guardian, part of how to win is also knowing when to retreat to fight another day.

Tovi looked at the Geminis...

Elder Gemini-I will not fight to a weaker opponent.

Tovi-Why did you give my kingdom to Cepheus!

Elder Gemini-Tovi this is a battle that we will not win, there is no victory, it is time for us the Elders to go down and with it all the kingdoms, I tried to do everything to make sure none of the younger ones  arrived before the battle.

Tovi-This is our battle! Your time has come and passed!

Elder Gemini-Tovi as your mentor I am telling you, do everything to survive.

Tovi looked at the Gemini not knowing which one was the real one.

Elder Gemini-Survive to fight another battle.

Tovi-Is that what you are doing?

Gemini-Indeed...I have my orders from my king to survive until the end and pass my wisdom and scrolls to you and the youngest ones...

The Geminis disappeared as Tovi stood there.




Serena and Aquarius were fighting as Aquarius was using his elemental powers and Serena creating objects to defend herself and using her bow and arrow to fight as Libra was looking on terrified, trying to get through Aquarius. Aquarius kept throwing the water vortexes that took everything under water as Serena created a huge shield that reflected Aquarius's powers back at him, and with her arrows Serena carefully aimed at Aquarius trying not to hurt him but to injure him, but Elder Aquarius kept the arrows away from hitting him with his wind elemental powers as Serena created a statue that looked like a woman...Aquarius stood frozen...

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