Chapter 5- Unmasked and Unnamed

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Chapter 5- dedicated to @HoodandHemmings_

Suddenly, I awoke to a loud and high-pitched scream. I realized that I was pressed against Robin's chest and that we must have fallen asleep while talking.

"W-what?" Robin stuttered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

I sat up as well and blinked a few times. "What was that?" I grumbled.

Down the hallway, I could hear rampaging going on and Robin and I shot up to follow the noise. We soon found the source tearing apart the common room. Starfire.

"Star, what are you doing?!" Robin exclaimed.

"You. And she. Sleeping together!" Star yelled and got close up in his face.

"Star, we were just talking and we fell asleep, why is that such a big deal to you?" Robin asked.

"Because- because I... Robin, I like you- a lot," was Star's explanation.

"You- you do?" Robin stuttered.

"Yes, Robin. I do." I watched the two of them with anticipation.

"Oh. I see." Robin said and looked at the ground.

"Excuse us for a moment, Star." I said and pulled Robin into the hall. "What the heck are you doing?! I thought you were practically in love with her?!"

"I-I am! Or, I thought I was! I just don't know anymore!" he said.

I sighed and made him look me in the eyes. "Robin. I want you to tell me the truth and the whole truth. Do you like Starfire as more than a friend?"

"Yes. But I also like someone else." he muttered and looked at the ground.

It had to be Raven. Aww, he was confused on whether to choose between Raven or Starfire! How cute! "And do you like this other person more than you like Star?"

"I-I don't know," he whispered.

"Go with whomever your heart decides. If you truly liked Starfire with all your heart, the second person wouldn't even be an option." I smiled at him and he looked back into my eyes.

"You're right, Nyx. Stay here and let me go talk to Starfire." Robin kissed my cheek and went back into the common room.

"Look at him. My best friend is growing up." I mumbled to myself.

I couldn't help but notice that my cheek was still tingling from Robin's kiss. I knew it meant something but I just wasn't sure what. Only a few seconds later, Starfire flew past, bawling her eyes out.

"Wow, she's taking the news pretty hard." I mumbled.

"Yeah," Robin said solemnly. "Hey, you wanna go take a ride with me? I need to clear my head."

"It's pitch black outside. You want to go riding in this?" I asked and gestured to the window. Robin nodded. I sighed, "Fine." We headed to the garage and got on his R-cycle. I put my helmet on and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

"And we're on our way," Robin muttered, kicking off and racing into the middle of the night.


"The stars look amazing," I said softly as we laid down on the top of a hill, looking up at the night sky.

Robin was quiet for a few seconds, like he was contemplating what to say. Then he finally said, "Yeah, they do. Hey! Why don't we look to see how many constellations we can find?"

"Yes! Okay, there's the Big Dipper!" I pointed towards the constellation.

"That means that the Little Dipper is...right there!" Robin pointed out.

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