Chapter 9- Away

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Chapter 9

"I'm only pushing you away because I love you!" I yelled at him. "Because I love you, I have to let you go. So you don't get hurt."

"I don't want to go anywhere! I'm not leaving you, I refuse to!" Robin yelled back.

"Richard, just go! I don't want you anymore!"

Robin straightened his back. "You don't want me? Fine. Good luck with whatever your next step is. And to think I could love you."

Let me back up a bit. It's been around a month since we watched The Avengers and ever since then it's been nonstop emergencies. Today happened to be a villain that I knew from my past. He was part squid, part man- kind of like Ursula from The Little Mermaid.

We were currently fighting him, or had been fighting him. To save my friends, I surrendered myself. I became his prisoner. I chose to do this because I knew we had no chance of winning. And after that, well, you already know.

Once Robin got away, I turned to face Squid-Face (my new nickname for him). "So what do you want from me?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"To sit and wait around, locked up in a cell without your powers, waiting for the Titans to rescue you," he laughed evilly as he picked me up with one of his tentacles. I struggled but couldn't get out, so he dumped me in a cell just like he said he would.

I waited for hours, not having anything to do because Squid-Face took my powers away. I felt...weird. I couldn't float to relax, I couldn't turn invisible and I couldn't make force-fields. It just wasn't working out in my favor.

Suddenly, the door burst open to the building and there stood the Teen Titans. "GUYS, NO! It's a trap!" I yelled but they ran in anyways, coming to rescue me.

"We'll get you out," Beast Boy promised before changing into a T-Rex and helping the other Titans.

I didn't want them to get hurt, but they were somehow able to avoid that fate and get my powers back for me. Raven took the syringe and injected my powers back into me and we raced off to fight Squid-Face.

He was on the roof, waiting for us. "Ah, my dear little Titans. I see you've found your friend. Well, welcome back to the fight." Squid-Face cackled and a tentacle came flying at Starfire. He grabbed her but she used her laser eyes to cut off the tentacle. Another one took it's place immediately.

"Damn," I growled and Robin looked at me.

"So what do we do?" he asked. The other Titans turned to me.

I blinked, but this was no time for hesitation. "Robin, you attack from the front, Starfire and Raven from behind. Beast Boy and Cyborg, attack at his sides. I'll be attacking in the air. And be careful, all of you. And stay on the ground."

We all fought well, but Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire got captured. It was just Robin and I fighting him off now, and we were being backed off to the edge of the roof.

"Aim for his core!" I yelled at Robin and hit the air, once again attacking from above. Then suddenly a tentacle struck out and hit Robin in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

"Robin!" I yelled as I watched him fall off the roof. I flew towards him but I was pulled back by a tentacle. I sneered and turned to face the villain.

"Let. Me. Go." I growled.

"Ooh, feisty," Squid-Face said and smirked.

I growled animal-like and bit down on the tentacle. It tasted like sea food but I didn't care at the moment. As Squid-Face retracted his tentacle, I took the moment to turn myself invisible and floated in the air. "Hey Squidward, come get me!" I yelled.

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