Chapter 10- Lazy Day

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Chapter 10

It's been a few months since Robin fell off the roof of the building and ever since then we've been closer as a team and as a family. I really do love the rest of the titans with all of my heart and I wish I would have came to them sooner. But that's insignificant right now.

Over the past few months, there's been only small emergencies, nothing that we couldn't handle.

Robin has gotten a lot better since his fall but he's definitely been taking many precautions at each emergency. He makes sure that our communicators are always charged, that we have training at least a couple times a week.

Sessions were grueling, we all hated them. Well except Robin. Of course he didn't hate them. Not that he partook in them anyways...

But that isn't the point. At the moment, we were having another one of those training sessions. Robin was pushing us really hard today, but we were all exhausted.

"Robin," I panted, jogging up to him. "Can we stop? BB's passed out, Raven's on the verge of overheating, Star just collapsed and Cyborg is malfunctioning. Please?" I begged.

"No. And for that, you get to run another five laps," Robin said.

I stood there, staring at him. "Oh hell no. Robin, you may be the leader, but you're not even doing anything! You're just standing around, watching us train!" I sighed, looking at him desperately, "Please just end training. We're exhausted."

Robin looked at me and then over at his team. "Alright, fine. Training is over!" he exclaimed and the other four sighed before crawling back into the tower. "Yikes, they really are worn out..." he muttered.

I nodded, "But now they can rest and they'll be fine after a couple of days. So no training for a few days. You have to let them rest."

He rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. The superhumans can't handle a little exercise." I whacked him upside the head.

"Owie!" he muttered and put a hand to where I hit him.

"Aww, does the non-supe hurt?" I mocked. He pouted at me and nodded. I playfully rolled my eyes and placed a hand on his arm. "Get over it."

He swooped me up from off my feet, carrying me princess style and spinning around in circles. I threw my arms around his neck and laughed. "Robbie, stop! You're going to get dizzy and we'll both fall!"

"No we won't!" he exclaimed and continued to spin. Then his knees started to go weak and he still didn't stop. Then we fell.

I landed on top of him, pressed against his chest. We laughed for a little bit. I was right, as always. "Robbie, oh my gods. Are you okay?" I asked, still laughing, finally looking at him.

He groaned. "I would be if you weren't putting so much pressure on my intestines."

I giggled and got off of him, reaching a hand out to pull him into a sitting position. We laughed a little more before heading into the tower. Inside, the other Titans were sprawled out across the common room. Beast Boy was still out cold, Raven had around 8 ice packs covering her body, Starfire was groaning about how much everything hurts and Cyborg was trying to fix his circuits. I sighed and went to the kitchen to get a few things.

A cold,wet towel for Raven, pain killers for Star and a screwdriver to help Cyborg out. Robin took Beast Boy to his respective room to rest. Star flew off to her room as well to go lie down and Raven went to her own room soon after picking up all her ice packs. Cyborg and I tried to fix his circuits and Robin came to help. After a while, Cyborg also went to his room and Robin and I had the common room to ourselves.

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