Chapter 7- Savior

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Chapter 7

I spent my days, roaming the streets, the stuffed animal Robin gave me clutched in my hand at all times.

It had been a week since I left the Titans, and it was killing me. Suddenly I heard a police siren and jumped into an alley and turned invisible. Man, this power was really coming in handy.

I sighed and sat on the ground, deciding to change into my uniform. I changed quickly and shoved my regular clothes into my bag with the stuffed animal. I was done hiding from the people of my past. I was ready to welcome them with open arms.

Why the sudden change in thought? I happened to think a lot as a runaway for the second time in my life. Thinking led to realizing that I shouldn't be afraid anymore. The villains of my past probably know that Diana is also Nyx Warrior, and since that may be true, there's no need in hiding anymore. Let them find me, they'll get a butt whooping when I get to them.

Speaking of butt whippings....

I was in the middle of Time Square when suddenly the Coca-Cola screen changed into a video, as did all the other electronic billboards everywhere in the world.

"This is a message for Nyx Warrior, wherever she may be. We have your darling friends, sweet cheeks," the camera moved to show the Titans wrapped up. I gasped. "And if you ever want to see them again, come to the old abandoned building back in Jump City. Anything you five would like to say to Nyx?" The speaker asked, turning to the Titans again who were struggling to get out.

"Nyx, don't come. We'll be fine," Raven said.

"Princess, I swear to the gods, if you even think about flying here to save us, you will face the consequences." Robin commanded. I could tell he meant that with all the love he could muster and was using anger to hide his emotions, but I didn't care at that point.

"I'm coming, Robin. Stay still," I muttered and threw my mask on before kicking off into the air and flying to the old abandoned warehouse back in Jump. I set my bag down outside the building and walked right in.

"Alright, who called for an ass-whooping?" I asked, my voice booming throughout the building.

"Nyx!" I heard Beast Boy yell and I flew up to where his voice was coming from. I noticed they were all tied up in a group.

"Guys!" I exclaimed and flew over to them.

"I told you not to come," Robin said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah and I came anyways, what's your point?" I questioned and pulled out my dagger from it's hiding spot in my skirt. I started to cut the ropes as quickly as possible.

"Nyx, sugar cakes, I wouldn't do that if I were you," the speaker from before said. They were standing in the shadows.

I set the knife in Raven's hands and stood up to face the villain. "Come out into the light, show me who you really are." I glared.

The single shadow became two and I finally understood. I took a step back. "It was you," I stated.

"Yes, it was us," they spoke in unison and I wanted to smack them.

"Well, looks like you failed. You can't hurt me. I know how to control my powers now. You can't take control of me ever again. You're not who I thought you were six years ago. This time, you really are monsters." I pulled my mask off. "I'm done hiding from you. Now face me like you should have years ago!"

Both of them back flipped to be on either side of me. I got into a fighting stance and smirked. This was going to be easy. Well, that's what I thought until the two of them joined together and became this large martial arts robot. I sighed. Only a little more difficult than I imagined.

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