Chapter 2

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Casper was put in the International Offense Suppression Prison (IOSP for short) two weeks before Ellis came. In those two weeks, he had managed to get all the worst criminals of the world under his thumb using his sheer physical power and manipulative words. Also, he had heard some very interesting and scary rumours about some sort of beast which hides under a particular prison, and if by accident prisoners wander over there, they never emerge from there again.

He did not believe that shit one bit.

It was night time, and Ellis was having trouble falling asleep. He had come to terms with the fact that no matter how much strong he tries to get, he can never overpower Casper. He was too strong, too sharp and clever, and he was the worst villain there is. Therefore, Ellis decided to befriend his assaulter, because that was the only diplomatic move that may keep him safe from being gangraped. Because the attempt was already made once, and had Casper been not in the cubicle next to his, he would have been crippled by now, or worse, dead.

Ellis decided to get to know his cellmate by asking a very basic question.

"Why are you in prison?" asked Ellis from the bunk above him.

"I was about to be the heir to one of the biggest mafias in America, replied Casper. But unfortunately, the people who were gunning for my position were able to trick me into their trap using that fucking son of a bastar- never mind, I feel like murdering people now if I think of him.

Ellis remained quiet. He was very curious as to why this ex- future mafia head was in a cell with him instead of leading a group to do whatever mafias did, maybe deal drugs. Who was this son of a bastard who was so clever, so much more intelligent than Casper that even Casper got tricked?

What about you? What the fuck did a shrimp like you did that caused you to end up in the highest security prison in the world?

Ellis gulped. He shouldve thought this through. Of course, Casper will ask him about his crimes as well, except he didnt want to talk about much either.

Uh I dont know how to say this. Um, you know who is the Prime Minister of Lithuana?

Nah, not really interested. Its a country hardly anybody knows of.

Well, um, I killed her secretary.

Say what? asked Casper. He found it fucking hilarious. How did you get to know a hotshot like that, and top of that, kill the guy? It was a guy right?

Yeah and he was her lover.

Oh, this just got way too interesting smirked Casper. Too bad we cant get some popcorn in here. How did you murder him anyways? And why?

Well, um, the secretary was my uncle as well.

Holy fuck. Wait a minute, does that mean woah, you were already raped once?

Ellis suddenly felt exhausted. He hated talking about this, as it is his entire childhood was haunted because of the man.

Listen, I Im feeling tired, so Im just gonna head to bed


Next morning was a long day for Ellis. Having never done manual labour before, he fell tired pretty quickly. He watched Casper's muscles flex as he swung the hammer above his head and brought it down on the huge piece of rock in front of him, breaking it into many pieces. Ellis wasn't the only one entranced by Casper. Even though he was the tallest among all the prisoners, he was pretty lean and that made most of the Hulks in prison wishing they could take him. But Casper was a black belt in karate, which meant that apart from Ellis and the police guards, nobody will be able to come within six feet of him.

"Pass me the water," panted Casper, clearly tired as well. He and Ellis then went inside the "common room" to rest in the coolness of the room. Casper looked at Ellis slyly, taking in his juicy pink lips parted, his face facing the fan above.



Will you suck me off if I tell you?"

"Ew! No way, gross! Wash yourself first!"

"What? I heard a sweaty dick tastes much better than a clean one."

"Go fuck yourself."

Casper rolled back his head and laughed, then slowly calmed down.

"Then let's go shower before the others come back."

After taking permission from the guards, Casper and Ellis ran to shower room. Quickly turning on the shower, Casper shoved Ellis on his knees and thrust his hard cock into Ellis' face. Ellis put out his tongue and licked a stripe from his balls along the underside his cock till the tip, thrusting his tongue into the slit. Casper bucked his hips, grabbing onto Ellis' head. Holding his dick, Ellis slowly started sucking off Casper's head, increasing the length of his cock into his mouth. Soon, the whole length was in Ellis' mouth, the head pressed against the back of Ellis' throat. Casper groaned, tugging at the Ellis' hair to make him go faster. Ellis obediently started increasing his pace, squeezing his throat tight around Casper's cock. He brought the head back into his mouth, sucking it like a straw which is inside an almost empty fruit box, sucking it like a child does when they try to suck in the last drops of the juice. He again went fast, bobbing his head on the cock, grabbing Casper's hips to keep him up and hold him in place. Casper shuddered, coming loads into Ellis' mouth. Ellis opened his mouth, his tongue coming out a bit, showing Casper's seed swirling with Ellis' saliva. Casper, through hooded eyes, pressed his thumb onto the middle of Ellis' tongue, mixing the saliva and the seed. He made Ellis close his mouth and swallow it.

Casper then took the soap and washed Ellis' body, then washed his own before he started fingering Ellis. He moaned, holding onto the wall. The thick, slick fingers rubbed the insides of his walls, shooting a sting of pain in Ellis' abdomen at first. But after a little while, the pain turned into irresistible pleasure and he started moaning and gasping.

Suddenly, Casper's fingers pressed hard onto his prostate. Ellis jerked, breath caught in his chest.

"Found it."

Casper decided to torture that spot making Ellis squirm and moan, making him weak in the knees. Tearing open the sash of lube, Casper poured it generously on his stiff, hard cock, and lathered it well. He then lined himself up against Ellis' hole.



Casper entered gently, a sharp contrast to how he had thrusted roughly when he did it with Ellis for the first time. Ellis squeaked, a bit surprised at the intrusion. Casper slowly started moving, the movements producing squelching sounds of heat and lust.

"More!' moaned Ellis, head swimming under the heavy lustful air surrounding them.

" Take this cock baby! Take it all the way! Lemme make you feel my cock in your throat baby!" grunted Casper, body slick with sweat as he fastened his pace. Ellis' body jerked forward in intervals with the force of Casper's dick slamming into him.

"I wanna see your face," cried out Ellis, drool falling down the side of his mouth.

Swiftly turning him around, Casper slammed Ellis against the wall as he pounded into him. Ellis held onto Casper's biceps tightly, his legs going around his waist.

"Oh! Oh! Ohhh...!"

They both came at the same time, as they slid down together on the floor.

"Want to continue at night?" panted Casper.

"Yeah," smirked Ellis.

Little did they know that night they were going to start their journey of fear, pain and pleasure.

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