Chapter 10

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So, obviously it's not really a very happy ending. Both of them were criminals, and they have resigned to the fact that they may never feel freedom again. But they are happy now. They have each other to depend upon, and each day is filled with peacefulness. Ellis and Casper became the leaders of the prison, and majority of the prisoners looked up to them as the first survivors from the monstrosity that lived beneath their cells.

"Ellis, darling. Wake up."

"Five more minutes."

" Sorry hun, but two new prisoners are coming in today and the head guard has asked us to make sure these prisoners know the rules of this place. And you kniw we have to warn them about it," whispered Casper.

Ellis woke up, rubbing his eyes. Casper pressed a gentle, chaste kiss on his lips.

"Mmmmhh," hummed Ellis, hanging his arms around Casper's shoulders. "Damn I'm tired. It's your fault I hope you know that."

" And I will take responsibility by giving you the best massage of your life," grinned Casper." But you gotta get up now they're gonna arrive any minute."

After they both freshened up, they went down to the entrance where they see the police boat has pulled up and around five policemen and women bringing the cuffed prisoners. One was tall, with dyed blue hair and ocean blue eyes, while the other one, a bit shorter, had brown hair and black eyes. Both looked calm and resigned as they were brought inside the prison.

"Casper, Ellis, this is Jonas and Marco," said Constable Amanda, pointing to the blue haired and brown-haired men respectively. " We'll show them to their cells and explain the basic routine followed by everyone. You both tell them all the rules and all they need to follow if they want to stay here peacefully."

Casper and Ellis nodded, and followed the whole troop back into the prison. After the constable left, Ellis introduced himself and Casper.

"There isn't much to do here except do the little jobs they set for us. Don't talk back to the guards, they are a mean lot, and avoid starting fights. And don't get up after the bedtime bell, you'll be in huge trouble otherwise." finished Ellis.

"What kind of trouble? Are they gonna whip us or something for waking up to pee in the night?" asked Jonas, the blue haired one, sarcastically.

"No, but you might face something worse. Something that is bound to give you nightmares day and night." said Ellis, his hand squeezing Casper's tightly. "I'm telling this to you for your own good. If you don't want to see what hell is like, don't get up after the bedtime bell."

Marco looked up at Casper and asked," Did the both of you also face this nightmare?"

Ellis and Casper looked at each other and sighed deeply.

"Yes, we did. And for your own safety we're asking you both to be safe and alert as well. You never know when life might destroy you."

Later that night, as Marco and Jonas were lying in their beds, Marco whispered, "Jonas."


"What do you think happens at night that can be nightmare inducing?"

"I don't know, go to sleep Marc." Saying this, Jonas promptly fell asleep as Marco continued wondering about the monsters at night. Would they also end up as victims? Only time will tell.

~The End~

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