Ch 5: Sixth Sense∞

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Quiff walks off with a cat in his arms, he didn't want to see anything at all. His aimless wandering found himself in front of the library, he's greeted by a woman with long brown hair facing away from him and sorting a book shelf. It was weird he didn't even make much noise when he entered the library he taps her on the shoulder "Hey, um do you need any help? I can sort books with you" She reaches up to grab a book taller than she can reach "Um, could you get that?" Quiff reaches and grabs a crimson book with gold letters he read the title 'Myths, Legends, and Lore'.

Quiff holds the book out and instead of the woman grabbing it she turns around revealing a blindfold, she smiles and pushes the book back to Quiff "You'll need that if you want to reveal the truth, but beware you shall not act on the knowledge you obtain, it could be the doom for us all..." Quiff completely ignores "Why do you wear a blindfold... also I haven't got your name yet... I'm Quiff!" "Kiply..." She walks off without answering his first question "Wait! but why do you have a blindfold?" she turns back "I must sacrifice a sense to unlock my sixth sense... PLOT CONVIENCE!" Kiply walks through the isles of the library.

Quiff stares at the book in his hand, he remembers he forgot to pay "Um... Kiply?" Quiff searched around the store, the woman nowhere to be seen. "Ugh!" Quiff sees a dusty lectern he turns the pages, all of them full of weird letters he couldn't read, he keeps flipping to find something but nothing but the strange language. Suddenly the sound of moving pistons and the wall opens up. he dashes in and the wall closes behind him (Yes this is an actual red stone door) Quiff gazes into a corridor tinted grey with dust, the walls and floor were cold and the sound of chatter echo in the hallways. The end of the long twisted hallway was a dim light, he headed toward it quietly.

Quiff could only make out a few  words, the sound got louder as he got closer "Yes_____ enchanted" Quiff inches closer as he recognises the woman's voice "Where did he come from Keira?" Quiff looks up to see a giant spider on the roof, though he wasn't an arachnophobic he let out a scared squeak. "Don't you trust some stupid gu-" "Shhh..." Quiff stopped in his tracks not willing to get caught, he looks around the corner before taking another step. He sees a few people sitting around a table holding playing cards and bags of money in the middle, turning back before he got caught he eavesdropped on the rest of the conversation.

"I- thought I had heard someone..." Quiff notices the male voice sounds almost identical to Doni's "You're so paranoid, your brother must prank you a lot!" Quiff leans in closer "Hit me!" the sound of placing cards and complete silence fill the room, he turns from the corner he's eaves dropping on to go back but is greeted by the friendly eight eyed face of a spider, he runs in  the room regardless of weather he gets caught. he jumps up on the table and points to the bug charging in and hissing, Kiply runs toward the spider, instead of killing it she pets it "That's a good spider! Yes you are! Yes you are! awww you're so cute!" Kiply pets it and points toward the hallway and the spider leaves the room peacefully.  Kiply doesn't face Quiff due to her blindness but he knew she was talking to him "Care to explain?"

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