Ch 8: NPC.

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Enjoy my crappy chapter...

Enjoy my crappy chapter

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Later in the chapter, I'm too lazy to describe so just read this first: It's actually the staff in Quiff's video (actually the one Doni has is the silver version I could only get the size and full image of the brown one

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Later in the chapter, I'm too lazy to describe so just read this first: It's actually the staff in Quiff's video (actually the one Doni has is the silver version I could only get the size and full image of the brown one.)
PS: if you don't want spoilers don't watch Quiff's video (The plot's inspired by this video) if you watched it then you have an idea

Racing before dawn arrives, Doni escapes out his house remembering not to wake Liger. He makes it to Quiff's house, where Kiply said 'it' was. He sneaks in from an open window making his way to where Quiff's room is. Doni grabbed the book and flipped through frantically "C'mon! Where is it?!" He whisper yells to himself finally finding the page he heard Quiff walk toward the room. Doni thought fast and instead of staying to read the page or taking the entire book he ripped the page out and closed the book, put the book down, opened the window, and flew out. Quiff looks at the open window he thought he saw something, someone. Closing the window he hadn't remembered opening he realised something's wrong and Lynix wasn't back yet, he could make his own decisions but something about the situation was corrupt and sinister. He had to find him.

Doni flying back to his home read the page, he understood all of it but was hesitant to use 'it' while it was the full moon, too late. Doni pulled out a staff (one I talked about earlier). Doni held himself together making sure to stay calm he recited an incantation "/ᓭ⚍ᒲᒲ𝙹リ リ!¡ᓵ l||リ╎ ̇/╎ℸ ̣ ||" (yes he is speaking in enchanting table)end particles surrounded him as they clustered together forming a person identical to Lynix . He immediately opened his eyes and examined himself and his clothes, he then turned to Doni. "Hello DoniBobes." Doni stumbled back in disbelief, an identical copy with the same knowledge and possessing memories of Lynix too (except the OP related stuff) . The NPC smiles and he couldn't notice that it wasn't Lynix something in his eyes made him soulless looking. "Lynix..." Doni needed to do something, he couldn't let anyone see this yet... he thought of a solution, with no time wasted he used commands to give him a bandanna. "Wear this and don't take it off... promise?" Lynix smiles warmly "promise." He tied the red bandanna over his eyes and instantly hugged Doni. If only the real Lynix could.

Quiff knocked on Doni's door "Oh it's probably Quiff, hold my hand, I don't want you to run into anything." Doni grabs his hand making Lynix blush and guides Lynix to the door. "Who is it?" "Quiff, now open up!" Doni opens the door and immediately Quiff's eyes shoot towards Lynix. "Why is he wearing a blindfold?" Beads of sweat running down Doni's face, he's done for. Quiff stared for a moment "Wait a minute Kiply has that!" Quiff smiles "Haha yeah he liked the trend" Doni laughs nervously. "So sorry for bothering you two. I really didn't mean to interrupt anything I was just wondering if Lynix would stay here the night or not "I'll stay!" Lynix quickly shouts. Quiff confused by the sudden shouting closed the door and left without another word.

"That was close, goodness." "Now we're alone, I have to say something." A blush spread across the NPC's face "remember when Quiff interrupted us..." Doni takes a step back, Lynix takes two steps closer. Doni looks behind him hoping not to crash into anything, he backs into a wall. "I-I...uh-u-um" Doni stutters Lynix leans in and with Doni with nowhere to go, is pinned against the wall. Their faces away Doni gently pushes him away "Lynix this feels wrong..." a slightly worried expression crossed his face "what?" He laughs "It's um..." Doni remembers that he couldn't say anything about being an NPC to him "... too soon to kiss..." Lynix's expressed a feeling of relief and smiles warmly "That's fine if you don't want to yet I totally understand, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable then." He hugs Doni "No worries..." Doni hugs him back remembering he couldn't fall in love with an NPC, he was only temporary.
Time skip
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Kiply reprimands Doni for his actions of releasing an NPC on the world. Kiply walks out the library "I'm getting the book so we can whitelist him back, delete the NPC." She walks off angrily then thows a pearl in the air. Doni is left to go and delete his NPC.

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