Ch 7: Death

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The title says it all... Get ready for angst 👹 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Quiff and Liger stayed back in the cave while the other two began searching for Doni in the dark of the cruel and grim night. "I honestly wouldn't know why you would search for  that weirdo when you can barely hold a sword, Lynix." Lynix before he could answer realised only Quiff knew what happened back at the village, he shuts his mouth before he says something he didn't want to. "Well?" Danny glazed with a confused expression, his prosthetic eye displayed a question mark on the red screen. "Cause I'm no wuss" Bionic rolled his eye "lets  split up". Lynix walked into the nearby dense dark oak forest and yelled Doni's name "What are you doing here... I never wanted you to come and ruin my life like you did last time" He could hear Doni's voice through the trees "What?" Lynix said right before he realised  Doni wasn't talking to him he stayed quiet and stayed low to the ground do he could eaves drop.

 "I'm not... Keira wanted me to talk to yo-" "Wand or not, I have the power here! And if your boss want's some, she'll have to stop what she started" Lynix leans in to hear more "It's best we keep Quiff intact, we don't need extra evidence you're a part off this too," Doni groaned  "Fine bro, but if things don't work you'll have to do it my way." Lynix gasped what were they talking about,  what did Quiff and Kiply have to do with it. "Alright then see you later bro!" a man with bright teal hair and a similar skin tone to Doni walked past the tree Lynix  resided without noticing him.

Doni walked the opposite direction then walked past Lynix. Sooner Bionic had found Doni and Lynix decided to confront him about the conversation at home. "Where were you? Going out at night with no light, armour,  or weapons?!" Danny yelled angrily "A night walk" Doni smirks. "Wherever you were going you could've died and I spent all my time and effort looking for you! I couldn't even charge!" Bionic screams at Doni while taking the credit for finding him, Lynix walks behind of the two whilst rolling his eyes. When the sun rose once again, the Five left back to their homes returning again. "I... got to go..." Lynix waved to Quiff as he left the house at the night's peek.

Lynix knocked on the door and Liger answered it while half asleep "Woah what happened to you?" Liger blinks slowly "Doni said I could sleep on the couch because last night I apparently 'sleep walk' and... besides he was talking about grapes or something that I did... I mean... how could I be a fruit... I don't remember anything... He told me not to touch the dark red juice... I think he called it rine... whatever I drank... 5 or 6 and... he was mad... and I needed more 102 of the cup but he so mean..." Liger stares out into space, still blocking the doorway "can I at least get in?", Lynix ignores Liger's weird confession on getting drunk off wine and trying to 'cuddle' Doni. "Ok..." he moves out the way and passes out on the floor as Lynix walks in. 

"Doni?" he knocks on what looks like a bedroom door before Doni yells back "LIGER! GO TO BED NOW!" Lynix giggled to himself before opening the door, he spotted Doni in his bed realising it was Lynix. "Oh It's you... thank goodness..." Doni got out his bed "I'm sorry if Liger said anything weird to you, he somehow doesn't know what wine is and he drank way more than he was supposed to... Anyways why did you wanna talk to me Lynix?" Doni smiles warmly as Lynix has a worry filled grin "I- um... yeah so..." Doni held both Lynix's hands and got closer "You can tell me..."

 Lynix smiles "So I sorta while me and Bionic were looking for you... I heard you talking to someone..." Doni's calm expression changed to a nervous one "What?" Lynix looked away "You  were talking about a wand and Quiff and Kiply", Doni held his  hand on Lynix's cheek and turned his head back to face him "I didn't want you to find out like this and I... didn't want anyone to know at all but..." Lynix's shock turned into anger quickly "Explain... why do you have OP... why didn't you tell me... is this why... are you using me!?" Doni tried to talk "I'm not-" "You're already trying to kill Quiff! Now I find out... are you going to kill me too!?" Doni's expression emotionless  before a wide twisted grin spreads on his face, his eyes bright white "Smart idea for an idiot like you... too bad I actually liked you..." He pulls out an illuminated sword... heavily enchanted. "NO!" Lynix tries to run before his back is penetrated. "I'm sorry..." Lynix falls to the ground before his body evaporates into death particles.  Doni stares at his blood drenched sword "What have I done..." 

👽Dead. >:D

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