Chapter 4

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Tilting his head back Brian exhaled slowly, then tried to relax. It was unbelievable how much her answer meant to him. She was staying.

He didn't' understand his own reaction, or hers, for that matter. He only knew he needed to get closer to her. She'd stood there in the doorway earlier, looking feminine, yet so unsure. Unlike the other women in the room, she hadn't flaunted her asset's, she hadn't even seemed aware of them, despite the provocative harem costume that left her more bare than not. Even now she seemed vulnerable, so wary.

He leaned down inhaling her fragrance then touched his open palm to her soft belly. She jerked and pulled away. He as surprised by her reaction and forced himself to go perfectly still. He squeezed her shoulders again. "Shh. I'm not going to hurt you." She remained strangely quiet, her body trembling, and then it hit him just how innocent she truly was. Suddenly it made sense, The way she acted to his interest. She was wary and with good reason. He felt confusion first then unfamiliar stirring of protectiveness.He didn't' want to frighten her didn't' want her to be uncomfortable with him. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her hugging her carefully.

"I would never hurt you."

Her hands came up and clasp his arms where they crossed  her chest,giving him her silent trust.

His chest squeezed tight. It was remarkable how she affected him. Smiling he rubbed his chin against her temple, then turned her to face him.

He cupped her jaw, tilting her chin toward him. He could see the light reflected in her wide eyes. Slowly tentatively he bent and put his lips to hers. It wasn't a devouring kiss but tender and sweet. She seemed unsure of where to put her hands then laid them lightly on his chest.

He groaned quietly, tugging her closer. "Open your mouth," He urged continuing to nibble at he lips.

She did gasping and he teased her stroking her mouth licking carefully at her lips, touching her tongue with his own.

After a few moments he pulled back. Her fingers had curled tight against him, she was panting softly. Instinctively he pressed his arousal full and hard against her belly. She seemed stunned by his need and he relished her reaction to it,watching her eyes slowly close. Nothing ever made him feel so wild or urgent so alive with sensation as her innocent acceptance.

Her mask was in the way and he touched his fingers to it. Instantly she jerked back, her hand coming up to cover her mouth,

His muscles grew taut. "I didn't.." Brian hesitated then shook his head. "I'm sorry, I just...It seems so...right."

She shook her head. "You can't take off my mask."

His eyebrows shot up.

"I don't want you to know who I am."

He stepped closer to her feeling the heat build under his skin. She was the most fascinating woman he had ever met. He tried to get her to look at him, but she turned away. It was unbelievably erotic, a woman appearing so demure, but wearing such a enticing costume. He touched her chin, bringing her face back toward him.

"What do you want?"

Swallowing hard, she whispered."You. This." And she leaned toward him.

Brian caught his breath, and then he was kissing her again. He stroked his tongue deep in her mouth drawing her closer feeling his urgency swell.. He was no longer thinking of his his own consuming desire, not entirely. Now he was driven a need to give her everything she asked for everything she could possibly hope for.He didn't't want her to regret trusting him.

He didn't want her to regret anything.

When he lifted his head she was breathless and trembling, her small hands clasping his shirt in a death grip. Moving slowly he touched the buttons on her skimpy jacket for the moment ignoring the mask. "A mystery lady."

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