Quick little message

534 22 23

     Hello everyone! I hope you're safe and that this story gives you a little escape from reality like it does for me ❤️. Also just so you guys know, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL LOL. I AM JUST A PERSON WHO POSTED A YOUTUBE COMMENT AND GOT ROPPED INTO WRITING A WATTPAD FOR A BUNCH OF DIMWITS WHO LIKED IT. SO PLEASE AND THANK YOU BE NICE TO ME LOL.

All jokes aside, I love you all so much and thank you so much, especially to you guys who came from YouTube for sticking by this story. I know it's taken a long time to release so thank you for coming back and supporting me in making this Wattpad.
If you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, or have any writing advice, message me. I am always open and I actually really do want feedback :)

Much love,
Your creator

...god, those last words do not sound right lol.

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