Chapter 1

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Ashley took a deep breath before knocking on Deena's door. After a few minutes, Deena opened the door and saw Ashley. "Hey, ash" Deena smiled but Ashley just walked in. Deena had a confused look on her face as she shut the door. "Is Kate here?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah..her and Simon are in my room" Deena said and Ashley nodded, tears forming in her eyes. "Ash, what's going on?" Deena asked as they sat down on the couch. "My parents..they're getting a divorce and my moms moving to Indiana" Ashley said. "Are you okay?" Deena asked.

Ashley shook her head, "it's not the fact that they're getting a divorce that makes me's the fact that my mom..wants to take me with her.."

"Again?" Deena asked. Ashley nodded, "I cant..I just got Kate back..and now I'm leaving..again.." she said, trying her best to not breakdown in front of Deena.

Kate and Simon walked into the living room, "Ashley?" Kate said as she walked to her, "hey, what's wrong?" She asked and Ashley looked at her as the tears kept coming out, "I'm moving.."

"W-what?" Kate furrowed her eyebrows, "please tell me you're joking.." Ashley shook her head, "my parents are getting divorced and my moms taking me with her to Indiana.."

Kate closed her eyes as tears came out, "I..I cant do this.."

"Wait, Kate..there's something that I need to tell you.."
Tw:homophobia slurs
Sam got home from school. She still lived in Sunnyvale with her mother because her mom refused to go back to Shadyside. But everyday, she'd usually go to Shadyside to hang out with Deena, her girlfriend..yup, her girlfriend.

Sam changed out of her cheer uniform and put on a pair of jeans and a sweater that she stole from Deena. She walked downstairs and headed for the front door until she was stopped by her moms voice, "where do you think you're going?"

"Where do I always go after school?" Sam crossed her arms. "Don't you think..that you've been hanging out with these..shittysiders a lot?" Her mom asked.

Sam sighed, here it is..she knew that it was going to happen sooner or later. "It's Shadyside, mom" she spoke. "Why do you even hang out with that d*ke?" Her mom rolled her eyes.

"Her name is Deena" Sam started, "and why cant you get the hint? Was me kissing Deena in front of you not enough?" She asked, "oh wait, anything I do is never enough for you..and you just can't stand the fact that your in love with another woman" she said. "I'm sure that it's a phase, Samantha" her mom said, sternly.

"No, mom! I love Deena, I've loved her since that day I met her, why can't you just get that through your head? I'm not afraid of you anymore, and I'm sure as hell not the little, perfect, girl that you hoped I would be. I'm a lesbian, mom, a fucking lesbian! And I'm proud of it. If you really loved me, you would be too" Sam said before walking out of the front door.

Sam took a bus to Shadyside before walking to Deena's. She knocked on Deena's door and smiled once she saw Deena's dad, "sup, Mr. Johnson" she said before walking in. "Hey, Sam. Deena's in her room" Mr. Johnson said as Sam nodded before walking to Deena's room. She walked into Deena being shirtless.

Deena groaned, "doesn't anyone know how to f-" she stopped herself once she saw Sam, "oh, I thought that you were Josh or my dad" she sighed in relief.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm a girl" Sam teased as Deena put her shirt on. Deena cracked a smile as she leaned in and pressed a kiss onto Sams lips, who quickly reciprocated it. After a few seconds, the two pulled away.

"What would Ms. Fraser like to do today?" Deena asked as they sat down on her bed. She took Sams hands into her placing, their hands in her lap. Sam thought for a minute, "we could go on a walk, it's a beautiful day today" she said.

"Every days a beautiful day..but only when I'm next to you" Deena said, making Sams cheeks turn to a light shade of pink. "Stop, I'm being serious" Sam playfully shoved her.

"Yeah, and so am I.." Deena started but they were interrupted as Josh walked in. "Dad ordered pizza if you're hungry" he said. "No, we're about to go on a walk" Deena said and Josh nodded before walking out.

Later that day, on their walk, Sam and Deena stopped by Burger King, ordering two burgers and two cokes. They continued their walk until something flashes and they squint their eyes as they looked closely.

Two people who they thought they'd never see again.

So, welcome to the third and final book to my series :) the italics were a flashback to when Ashley left.

Also, Sams mom can go fuck herself :)

Also, let me just explain a little just in case y'all are confused abt the last sentence. Basically, I was talking w gg and how much she would love seeing Peter get jealous bc Sam was w Deena so I thought that I should bring in one of my theries, which is basically where everyone who had died bc of the curse comes back once the curse has ended. So, any guess on who the two people might be?
Also, I might bring back Cindy and Alice and everyone who died in 1978 but idk if they should be their younger selves or if I should have someone play their older roles🤔

Also, the story abt Mr. Johnson. Basically, after he had heard abt what happened to Deena and her friends, he's trying to be there for his kids now, and he's still getting used to the fact that his daughter isn't into guys. He drinks occasionally, but not a like he used to.

Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter :)
Love always,

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