Chapter 4

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A week later, Sam was finally enrolled in school. Her dad forgot to sign the stupid paperwork so they had to wait another week for her to be able to actually go back to Shadyside High.

So, Deena drove her Sam and Josh to the school. Josh quickly rushed out to go meet up with his friends. You know, queenofdarkness.

Deena and Sam got out of the car and looked at each other before walking into the school. Sam wasn't exactly out to everyone yet, but she wasn't afraid anymore. So as she and Deena walked through the halls, their arms brushing against each other since they were super close, Sam gently slid her hand into her girlfriends, intertwining their fingers.

Deena bit back a smile. What a feeling walking through the school holding Samantha Fraser's hand, where anybody can see them.

And people did.

They got dirty looks..mostly from the guys. But, that didn't bother them. As long as they had each other.

Sam and Deena's lockers were next to each other's so they got to their lockers and opened them. "I still cant believe that we have all of the same classes" Deena said, closing her locker to look at Sam and Sam smiled, "well, my dads a lawyer you know" the blonde stated.

The bell rang and the two got to their first period. "Alright kids, we have two new, but not really new, students" Mr. Brown smiled. "Samantha Fraser and..Ashley Rodriguez"
Yes, guess who's back..

She just can't stay away, can she?🤔 her and Kate are endgame okay

Okay, so- I was going to post this tmr but yk I got bored :) you'll probably get one or two more chia tees tmr :)
Love always.

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