Chapter 1: L-O-V-E!??

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L-O-V-E, love, four letters, one word. Nowadays, everyone is talking about love. Apparently, for me, the word "love" comes from the outside world. Well, I know the meaning of the word, but what exactly is love? I have lived for seventeen years, but I only know cats, studying, playing, eating, and having friends. Never have I ever even tried holding someone's hand in a way that couples do. I cannot and have never tried to imagine how it would be to have a lover. And when people tell me to search for love, my mind automatically says, "Is that necessary? Is it even important for me, and why would I even need one?"

Others say some people are fated to meet, no matter how far they are apart from each other. They assert that there is no need to look for that person, as that certain someone will come to us as if a string tied us to each other. As if we were attracted to each other like magnets, destiny binds us together in the right time and place.

My fate was this: Out of all the million players in that game I was playing, I ended up meeting someone who had the most similarities as me in the game. Eventually, time had passed, and I discovered that we were also similar in real life.

It all started on a starry night when the moon and the stars accompanied me. I sat on the bench and enjoyed the cool breeze blowing around as I counted the multitude of stars and wondered if something extraordinary would happen to my life.

I never knew that it would be the last time I could go on an outing. Never had I ever expected that there would be an outbreak of a deadly infectious disease.

Ever since the pandemic started, I had been doing the same routine for a couple of months already. At that time, I was stuck inside my house because the government advised everyone to stay at home to prevent further transmission of the disease.

Those early months of the pandemic seemed fun, no school, no studying, no tasks, only chilling at home. It seemed nice as if I were in paradise. But then, after time passed, I realized it was a scam. Months went by, and the education system had adapted to the situation, and voilà: Online distance learning.

But I came to think of it, even with the pandemic, my life always went the same: school, friends, eating, playing with my cat, and of course, playing games. And the only difference was that everything was online except for the cat I met in our front yard.

My life mostly revolved around school and the cute stray kitten with a heart as soft as its fur and has light-orange and white markings, who kept going in front of the house I live in, asking for food daily.

The cat is like no other. It meowed uniquely and acted differently from the other cats I had encountered. I had been feeding it for around six months then, and we became closer to each other as time passed. I wanted to adopt it and even gave it the name Maomao. Sadly, although my mother also liked her, I was still forbidden to take her in as my mum feared that we might get allergies from its fur.

I just wanted to take care of Maomao. I didn't have anyone before, and even until then, Maomao was my only companion. For me, Maomao was also my family member that I care for. I wanted to keep and raise Maomao forever like a mother who always cares for and loves her child on happy to sad days.

From time to time, I daydreamed, envisioning the happiness that compensated for those meaningless days with Maomao together. During that time, the only thing I hoped for was for Maomao to always lie on my lap until she fell asleep.

One sunny morning, with a warm heart ready to welcome a new day, I stretched as soon as I got up from my bed. As usual, I went outside to get some sunlight, and I called Maomao to feed her as well.

"Maomao! Come here! I brought food for you ^_^" I happily shouted.

"Maomao? Where are you?" I called out for her once again.


Random Questions ^^

1. What is your definition of love?

2. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

3. Do you believe in destiny?

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