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Two months later...

MICHELLE HUNG a painting that Rosalie had finally finished working on. Taking a contented breath, she sat down behind the counter, and flipped through a magazine. Rosalie was at yoga with Beth. Michelle still thought that yoga was code for scheduled sex. Those two and their need to jump on eachother like bunnies never failed to amuse the entire family.

When Michelle heard the chime for the door, she looked up, only to almost faint. She swallowed and continued to look at the woman walking towards her, "Michelle, you're looking good," Faye mentioned, a smile on her lips.

"What are you doing here?" Michelle asked. She gripped onto the edge of the counter to keep herself from walking over to Faye, and pulling her into her arms. What's it with people just showing up in this town?

"I've wanted to come see you for a while now, and," Faye sucked in a breath, "I've missed you, honestly."

I've missed you too. Michelle sighed, "I'm actually really busy right now, I need to—"

"I left him," Faye said. She held up her left hand, and wiggled her ringless finger, "I'm divorced."

Michelle exhaled a loud breath, "really?" Michelle asked, "why?"

"Because I didn't love him, I—" Faye hesitated. She looked around the gallery, and inhaled a deep breath. Gosh, these paintings are beautiful.

"Why are you here, Faye?" Michelle crossed her arms over her chest, "we said all there was to say already—I quit without notice, you flipped out about me leaving, and we haven't spoken to each other in almost four years."

"Michelle, I..." Faye felt defeated. Michelle was the most stubborn woman that she'd ever met, yet managed to be the only person she couldn't forget about, "you leaving was one of the best things to happen to me actually," Faye confessed.

"How nice to know," Michelle mumbled.

"I'm not finished," Faye walked closer, "losing you was the worst."

Michelle stared at Faye with acknowledgement, "you sure have a way of showing it."

"Michelle, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"You know what," Faye sighed. She took a few moments to find her words, "I'm sorry for letting you go."

"You didn't let me go. I left. It was my choice. And I stand by it," Michelle explained.

"I don't blame you," Faye mumbled, "I really don't."

"It's been four years, Faye, why are—"

"My divorce finalized three years ago, Michelle."

Michelle felt a throbbing in her chest. At least she didn't leave him for me. Michelle persisted, "why are you here?"

"For you."

Those words made Michelle's heart ache. Not for me.

"I've got work to do," Michelle turned and headed for her office. Though, it wasn't hers entirely. She shared it with her ever-so loving boss. She hoped Faye would take the hint and leave. And after a few minutes, Michelle sighed in relief. I hope she's gone.

Michelle walked out and looked around. No one was there. Other than the numerous paintings that lined the walls, Michelle was alone. Once again. She held back her tears, as her heart sank inside of her chest.

Two days later...

ROSALIE TURNED on her side, and looked at her sleeping wife. I can't wait to surprise you today. She placed her hand against Beth's cheek, "mhmm, five more minutes. I'm so tired," Beth mumbled.

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