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BETH HADN'T felt so content in a while—having both of her kids under the same roof, including her beautiful wife, was a dream come true. She'd been observing Yasmin for the past few days, and as Christmas Day came closer, she could see the love in their eyes. Henry seemed to have found someone to fill the void in his heart, and she was more than happy to accept Yasmin into the family, when the time came.

Sipping on a cup of coffee, and looking at Rosalie braid Abbi's hair was a good start to her morning. Rosalie was learning how to do the infinity braid, and had been watching a video on Youtube whilst practicing on Abbi. As much as Rosalie thought that Abbi loved Beth more than her, Beth could see that it was quite the opposite. The connection that Rosalie shared with their daughter was unfathomed and irreplaceable. A bond like that was the sign of unconditional love. Beth loved Abbi to the moon and back, but there was something a bit different about what Abbi shared with Rosalie.

"Beth, I'll braid yours next. I'm almost done with Abbi's. Isn't she looking as cute as a button?" Rosalie asked, a gigantic smile on her face. Beth placed her cup down, and walked over to her daughter. Taking Abbi's little hands in her own, she observed the carefully constructed hairstyle.

"I'm a little too old for an infinity braid. Maybe something more simple for me? A french braid?" Beth suggested. Rosalie nodded and finalized the hairstyle with some hairspray. Abbi looked at herself in the mirror and squealed.

"Mommy, I love it. Thank you," she hugged Rosalie, before running off to find Yasmin. She'd grown fond of Henry's girlfriend quickly, everyone had. Beth sat down in front of Rosalie, and pulled her hair out of its ponytail. They'd been at the cabin for a few days already, but hadn't been out much. They were planning to head through town later that day to grab some supplies, and get something to eat.

"Beth, did you take a look at the pictures I sent to your email? It's a house in a suburban area. Lots of diversity. There's a few parks, a beach nearby and there's also—"

"It costs too much," Beth said. Rosalie frowned. Why was Beth worrying about the price?

"You have to pay for safety and comfort. It's a great neighbourhood to live in," Rosalie defended.

"It's selling for what I make in two years. We're not buying a house where we'll have a gigantic mortgage," Beth said. Rosalie disliked her wife's stubbornness sometimes. She'd saved enough money over the years to buy a house in cash.

"You know you don't have to—"

"Of course I do. We hold equal responsibility, and just because you're some millionaire doesn't mean you can spoil us," Beth said.

I'm barely a millionaire, "but I want to," Rosalie whined, as she brushed Beth's hair. They'd fought over the same thing countless times, but Beth never gave in. She was even more stubborn than Rosalie when she wanted to be.

Beth continued, "I already allowed you to hand the deed to the house in California to Henry. I'm not allowing you to buy a luxurious house just because you can."

Rosalie huffed out a breath in defeat. She'd given the house to Henry as a college graduation present. He had more use for it than her. And when she'd purchased it to begin with, she'd always planned to give it to him, "you know that I don't spend money recklessly, but if we are going to buy a house for us—a permanent home, I want it to be someplace special," Rosalie explained.

"Bunny, what's the point of buying such an expensive place when you know that I'm going to redesign it anyway?"

"Because it has a huge backyard? An outdoor pool? Lesbian couples as neighbours?" Rosalie tried to convince Beth.

"You're trying to make sure that we have a house next to a lesbian couple?" Beth asked. Rosalie shrugged, as she began to braid Beth's hair. She wanted Abbi's life to be as normal as possible. And having families just like hers around was a great idea.

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