Im so tired

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Wanda POV
I woke on another lonely and most of all annoyed day. So I got up put some slippers on, grabbed my robe,and headed into the kitchen and made some cereal. I was still hurt from Westview, I mean all that work just for it all vanish away I nod my head slowly to myself, .
As I was making my cereal I noticed as I opened the fridge I was out of cereal so that mean I gotta go to the store, so got a casual clothes on an jacket, ripped jeans , my Vision necklace that Vision gave to me, and some pair of boots. I was feeling rather boring today I mean as usual, I grabbed my keys the the front door and went to my car. As I got in the car I closed my door started the car and I was on my way I decided to let loose a little bit and turn on some music, I skip through a few channels and stop at a song that spoke me, "When I'm~ away from you I'm happier then ever"~. "Huh" I said to myself this was catchy, As the song reach the end (as so I thought) then guitar grew, " You called again drunk in you Benz" and so kept going from there and ended, I was in under shock on how good that song was I kinda made my day better. I got out of my car and walked in to the store and got a cart, walked in and went straight to the dairy section I reach to get the milk and I bumped into an old friend I haven't see in forever, "oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mea- here let me help you wait Natasha?! what are you doing here. " Oh you know just Runnin' errands for Tony" she said exhaust, "oh you still work for him?! I don't I'm gonna take a break for the the whole you know "magic stuff "and just stick to being a human being, I said quietly so no one new who we where. "I know it's crazy um so have you been up to?. She questioned me, "Ummmmm it's been hard ummm how about you" . "Oh just trying to get some more money but I gotta get going and head back to Tony because he's gonna start you know like being a baby but it was nice talking to you again. "You too", as I waved goodbye, I grab the milk payed for it and went home.

(Time skip 15-30 minutes)
It was a very boring afternoon and I mean boring I finished watching my show for the millionth time, so took so time to finish my bowl of cereal and go wash my dish. After that I was just so bored, I decided to go on a little car ride so I grabbed my keys and went to the car, for some reason I decided to back to Westview and see what was going there after took that town over and the person house who I that was my friend but I truly got betrayed. So I decided to squash what then we had between us, I mean I didn't want to that to her but she asked for, I arrived at her house and at knocked the door, she opened it to see me, " hi Agnes can I come in ?" I questioned her joyful even though I was dying inside, " What are you doing here come in and sit down",she said as she let me in to her old look home. "Hey Agnes I just wanna you know put Westview behind us and move forward I didn't mean to take over that town I was just too tired of being lonely" I said sadly, "well I don't think I can forgive you I mean Wanda you trapped me in here and I won't forgive you for that but you know we gotta move forward and that what I'm will to do" she said joyfully, "Agnes I'm so sorry" I said sadly, " it ok Wanda their is no need to get all sad about to be honest they needed it" she said laughing, " Um yea I guess well I just wanted to see if you were doing ok and you are I was wonder if you wanted to go hang out sometime because I need someone to talk too" I said nervously laughing, " Oh my gosh absolutely what date, time, and place is gonna be ?" She said with a big smile on her face, "Um idk you pick, no I'll pick it's gonna be at 11:30 and we are gonna go shopping tomorrow does that sound good ?" I said questioning her excitedly, " Ohhhh I looooove a good shopping spree if you know me that could work" she said laughing, "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then right" I said warmly, "You will ok go get rest you can because you seem tired ok, Ill see you soon". As I left her home I kinda felt wanted and I kinda smile walking out I think she made my day.

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