Im here for you/opening up more

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Wanda POV:
I woke up on a sunny morning and feel kinda good I got up from the comfy bed that makes me die and made some tea.

As I was waiting for my making my breakfast I noticed that me and Agnes were gonna shopping here soon so I had to pick an outfit because I ain't trying to look like a emo person right now soI ran to the closet and started to look, I've found out that doesn't look so bad it was a black tank top I paired them with some ripped jeans and black boots and to top if off a black cardigan. I looked good and most importantly felt good after all the shit I've been through that kinda makes me happy.

(Time skip 5-10 minutes 💁🏼‍♀️)

I was trying kill time but couldn't so I just drive to Agnes's house early, As I was driving I get a call from this caller ID person and I was kinda weirded out by it I decided to pick it up, "Hello", I said suspiciously, "Wanda you need to help me...... I fucked up and if you DONT know me it's Peter", "What did you do?", "I lost Mj, Ned and most importantly Aunt May", he said sobbing. "Oh my god... Peter what did you do ?" , "I might have mess up a spell Strange tried to cast for me and I messed it up really bad to the point that everyone forgot about me", he said crying, "Peter I'm here I will never forget about you, look I'll tell you what I'll come over and give a visit sounds good?"," Yea I'll see you later.... Thanks Wanda".

I feel so bad for Peter I mean I've there before and did some horrible things but some times you gotta just...move on it's hard but it's gotta be done. I decided to let Agnes now what going on and she said, "ok well we're still going so come at 1:00 ok doll bu-bye". I made it to Peter house and immediately rush in the house felling kinda panicky because he's just a kid I was the only one that was here for him because of the causes of the spell, I banged on multiple times no answer so I decided to bust it open the door and it was a mess there was trash everywhere chip bags, ice cream containers it was a mess. "Peter I'm here ummm and you really need to clean this room", I said looking around frantically, "I'm in hear I walked into he's and saw him on bed crying and ran in and sat on he's bed, "I'm not ok Wanda", he said in sorrow, " Peter I've been here before I know it's not gonna be easy but and it's hard, sad and lonely but you can't keep holding on to something that's not gonna make you happy", "Wanda you don't understand I lose.... Aunt May she was the only person I had", "Peter  oh my gosh come here", as I lead in hugging him as he sobbed. "Peter I'm so sorry look I'll tell you what I'm going to the mall with one of my friends and you can buy anything you want, I want you to come with to let thing of your chest ok so get dressed...I'll be wait". "Ok Wanda I'm ready". "Ok let's then", We walked to the car and jump in it was pretty chilly outside so I decided to turn on the heater, "hey Wanda ummm can you like maybe put on some music?", Uh yea want do want to listen?",Um maybe some you know what nevermind let's just go", "um ok".

(Time skip 15-20 minutes 💁🏼‍♀️)

We reach Agnes's house and I let her now we we're ready, she can out with and waddled out and hopped in the car, "Hi hun who's this kiddo?", "Hi I'm Peter", he said kindly. "Agnes met Peter, Peter met Agnes I'm taking him with because he's been going through a lot of stuff and I decided to help him because I've there to besides we're gonna have fun". We made to the and to be honest I felt good, over the past years I don't get the time to shop or fend for myself at least I was help the Avengers with hero shit but I could leave my friends behind and whatever Steve said I had to do killing Vision completely stabbed in the gut like Michel Myers just killed playing with new victim.

After that I made a false reality with my kid Tommy and Billy and hurt a town full of people I feel horrible but that not what we are focusing on right now we are focus on the mall right you know "Hey Wanda I wanna you know... Thank you for making feel a little bit better you know can go for some ice cream you know", "help yourself" I said kindly "DON'T SPEND TO MUCH", I said yelling at him. "Hey Wanda let's go look at these new cardigan's" , "ohhhh I like this one", Agnes said smiling as usual. " oh yea I like that design of it you should get it "yea maybe I would", "Hey Wanda look at the new thing I got, ITS A PLUSHY OF ME". "Oh that so cool where did you find that at", I spat out with a giggle "I know it's pretty cool right?" , "That's so funny hahah!", "I know it is" he said busting out laughing. "Ok let's go cash out now", I said "did you find everything ok", "yeah I did- OH MY GOD, Gwen what are you doin' here" , "Oh my gosh hey Wanda oh you know just doing gods work", she said sarcastically. "Oh love to see it... So how's your life going?", oh it's there is not good but not bad either life is interesting", "it is...I have Peter here he's probably looking at the plushy over because he found himself *giggles*,and he's been going through it you know the whole friends gone parents gone like stuff like that and I feel sooo bad for him he's just a kid he's life is so chaotic so quickly I just know how I'm gonna keep up with", "yea that flops Peter doesn't deserve it but god has he's well I'll see you girl I gotta get to work ok , oh and tell Peter that it's gonna be ok alright see ya", "you too", "Thanks Wanda for bring me with you I feel a lot better it's still gonna take time to get use to it still hurt but you gotta move on", "very true and you're welcome", I said with a light smile. We hopped in the car and drove to Agnes house, "Lets listen to some music" as I put the aux cord in I turned on some vibe-ish song I put on some Melanie Martinez we were listening to pacify her and vibing until Peter chimed in "Wanda you have to listen to this funny song can I show you?", "umm sureee?", I said curiously he plugs it in and let's just say he was "Very Fruity" , TIGHT IS A VIRGIN BOY DON'T GET NERVOUS (TIGHT~) IM HERE TO SERVE YOU CUSTOMER SERVICE I SAVE- "OK that's enough hand me the aux cord" I said snatching it from him, where in the god's name did you find that song at?!" I said questioningly, "umm tiktok" oh that app I knew it anyways you're wrong for that".

After I dropped off Agnes I drove drop of Peter. "Thanks Wanda it means a lot", "no problem I'm always available", I said with a light smile, "bye Wanda" as he waved bye. 

(This chapter is a long one so take your time and im new so like there's that and I hope y'all enjoyed it and next chapter finna be juicy like Ms. juicy baby 💁🏼‍♀️🤗👏🏼😩😁☺️🥴😝😱🤸🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🤪🥺🥰😘😍)

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