Ch. 2 Pop's

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After Y/n left I called the others. When they showed up I told them "guys Penny called Y/n and told Y/n to go to Pop's". "And what did you do" Sweet Pea asked. "I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen" I replied. "We have to look for Y/n" Betty said. "Wait Penny told Y/n if she didn't come alone the I will die" I told everyone. We all sat down and waited for her to get back. It's been 2 hours so we got up and went looking for her.

I left my house and made it to Pop's. I went inside and seen Penny so I walked over to her. "What do you want and why am I here" I asked. "I want you to give you fellow serpent a message" Penny replied. "And what is this message of yours" I said. "This" Penny said as she punched the daylight off of me. Penny cuts me a little here and there. She dragged my knocked out body behind Pop's.

Sweet Pea
We went all looking around for Y/n I went behind Pop's and I see Y/n. I ran to her and picked her up. I called the other and told them to meet me at the front of Pop's.

I got a call from Sweet Pea telling me to go to the front of Pop's. When I got there I seen Sweet Pea with an unconscious Y/n in his hands. I ran over to her and seen all the cuts and bruises on her. I called 911 and told them where we were.

Hockey girl (Adam x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя