Ch. 16 Im Not Ready

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It been a week since me and Adam made sex. I've been felling like crap in the morning like throwing up and headaches but in the afternoon I perfectly fine. I call Connie and told her what has been happening. She is thinking I'm pregnant and I keep telling her I'm not. But one day I call her and asked if she can buy me some pregnancy test to see if i am pregnant or not. "Y/n Im here" I hear Connie said. "Im upstairs" I yelled back to her. She came upstairs and gave me the pregnancy test. I went to the bathroom and took them. We waited for 5 minutes and looked at the results...well Connie did. "So" i asked. "Y/n your pregnant" Connie said. "What no I'm not ready" I said. "Well you better be in 9 months" Connie replied. "How am I going to tell Adam, the other and Coach Bombay" I asked. "Well you can tell Charlie, Guy and Fulton in a minute cuz I texted them and told them that you need to tell them something" Connie replied. I couple of minutes later the boys got here. Me and Connie went downstairs and opened the door. "Hey Connie told us that you have to tell us something" Charlie said. "Yeah I do well I have to tell the whole team" I told them. "So what is it" Fulton asked. "Well I can't play hockey for a while" I said. "What..why" the boys asked. "Well this is why" I said as I hand them the pregnancy test. "Your pregnant" Guy asked. I knotted my head yes. They all got up and hugged me saying congratulations. "Wait does Adam know" Charlie asked. "No but I plan on telling him and the team tomorrow" I replied

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