Ch. 12 The Issue

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Me and the boys went upstairs like Y/n said to. I called Jughead off of Y/n's phone. "Her Y/n what's up" he asked. "Jughead it's Connie get over here please" I told him. "Connie where is Y/n" he asked. "She's downstairs with this gang of people" I replied. "Do you know the name of any of them" he asked. "One name Penny why" I asked. "That's the one who gave Y/n those scars" he replied.

Connie and the boys went upstairs. "What are you doing here Penny" I asked. "Just came to see you Jones" she replied. "What it the real reason" I said. "Fine you asked for it" she said. "What are you-" I tried to say but then there was a gunshot. I look down and see that I was the one who got shot. I screamed in pain because it hurt so much.

Me and the gang going to Y/n's house then we hear a gunshot. I ran into the house and seen that Y/n was shot. "Y/n I yelled. Then Connie and the boys came downstairs. Then Adam ran over to her "Y/n hey your ok" he said trying to claim her down which was working. I call the cops and told them we need an ambulance.

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