Ch. 3 The Hospital

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I woke up in a hospital bed. "J-jug" I said. "No it me princess" Sweet Pea said. "Sweet Pea" I said. "Do you want me to go get Jughead" he asked and I knotted. He went to get Jughead and next thing I know is that Jughead comes running in and hugged me. "What happened" he asked. "When I got to Pop's I seen Penny so I walked over to her and asked why I'm here she told me she had a message for you guys and then I asked her what the message was and then she punched me and that all I remember" I told them.

I was so mad at what Penny did to my little sister. No one messes with a serpent or my family. Me and the serpents left and went to find Penny.

After I told Jughead and Sweet Pea they left. When the other came in I seen the Toni and Fangs were gone to. Shit I thought to myself they are going to find Penny and have her pay for what she did to me. "Her guys where are the other" I asked. "Um they went to find Penny" Betty said. Like I said going to find Penny. "Well I'm going to take a nap" I said. They all left so I can take nap. After a hour I was aloud to leave. I want back to my house.

Hockey girl (Adam x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora