He has Diabetes 💕

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In no way shape or form am I trying to make fun of Diabetes my whole family has it and so I know alot of things from it.No way I am trying to romanticize This story it's just how you help him..
If you do not feel comfortable reading this Topic feel free to see me on the next story!



You walk into the house and walk into the kitchen as you see Jaehyun sitting on the floor with his Laptop on the coffee table.

"How are you today baby ?" You ask him
"I'm okay you ?" He says
"I'm good have you checked your blood sugar yet ?" You say

"Y/nnn" he whines
"Jaehyun you have to do it for your health"you say
"But-" he says and cuts himself off
"But what ?"you say
"Fine I'm scared" he says
"Its okay I will help you"you say and walk over to him helping him up
"Y/nnnnn I'm scared like I'm about to-""it's just for the day" you say and it makes his stop talking

You both make it to the bathroom
"Your quiet now huh" you say and take his bag out

"This makes me feel dizzy" he says
"Then come sit on the counter then"you say and he sits on the counter as you get the clicker and alcohol ready
"Give me your finger" you say and stand in between his legs

No response

"Jaehyun you have to give me your finger"you say
You can see the fear on his face like he saw a grandma get ran over.
You just took his hand slowly and cleaned it
"Y/n I'm scared"he says
"On the count of three"


"What that didn't hurt ?" He says smiling
"It's because I did it before one baby"you say and lean in to kiss him
"Thank you so much I don't know what I would do without you"he says and holds your back getting closer to each other
"Wait I have to check it"you say and get the blood on the Tab and stick it into the machine
"Your good it's kinda low so what do you want to make it better ?" You say
"You"he smirks .
"You little" you say and chase him out of the bathroom...

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