My Sleepy Head 💕

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You were laying the bed when Jaehyun comes in looking exhausted putting his bag on the chair
"You okay ?"you ask
"Yeah I'm fine"he says and just falls onto the bed
"Tired ?"you ask
"Baby I-"he suddenly stops talking
"Sleepy head just sleep I know your tired,I love you Goodnight"you say and kiss his head and head to bed too.


You were sitting on the couch when jaehyun walks over from the bed to you and puts his head onto your shoulder.
"Tired"you say
"Mmm-yeaa"he says
"There is food over there"you say
"I'm not hungry"he says and puts his head onto your lap facing up

You just massage his shoulders because he stays up all night with the boys at the studio
"Baby your eyes are red and you have Heavy Heavy eye bags and Dark circles"you say
And he just nods and falls asleep again

20-30 minutes later you wake him up to sleep in the room
"Come sleep with me then"he says
"Okay get in bed first then I'll come"you say
"K"he says and does what you said

You went to the bed and held his waist and whispered in his ear

"My Sleepyhead"you say and kiss his forehead...

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