Whoops 💕💚💋

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You and jaehyun were laying down in bed when
"Y/n do you want to see the pictures from yesterday of us ?"he says
"Sure"you say

He shows you the pictures and you like them but there is one that you need to look at specifically
"Can I look myself"you say
And he gives his phone to you
"Where's the p- oh my god"you say and turn the phone off and throw it on the foot of the bed and you put your Head into jaehyuns chest
"Jaeeeee~"you say
"What ?"he says kunfused

"Why didn't you put that in your private"you say

"Put what ?"he says and touches your thigh

"Stop"you say taking his hand off and you climb ontop of him and whisper into his ear
"Your dick nudes with your 6 pack"you say and laugh and your head just falls into his neck
"Oh"he says smiling and shy with his ears and dimples showing
"Do you like it though ?"he says
And you hit his chest
"Ouch you don't like me that hur-"he says and you kiss him
"Why would you ask me that ?"you say
"Because your my girlfriend"he says and puts his hands on your waist kissing you
"Like I said next time put it in a private folder or something because everyone can see it"you say
"Okay okay I will"he says
"Who are you taking those for tho ?"you say
"YOU"he says
"Well how am I supposed to see them hmm ?"You say
"Right now"he says"I got a good glance already I don't need to look at it again"you say and he pouts
"What baby ?"you say
"You me too"he says
"No Jaehyun I don't take pics"you say
"Okay"he says and caressed your back
"I'm going to keep clowning you for this be prepared okay"you say
"My bad Whoops I never knew they were there"he says

"It says Saturday Fridays the 22nd at 6:52 PM babe the date was right there after I took a shower you took a shower after at night" you say
"Okay Smartie but next time when I see yours I'm keeping them"he says
"Try me"you say and he kisses you and you kiss back...

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