15 5 2

Classes were going on smoothly. Your desk partner was someone named 'yoongi'. He was also one of namjoon's friend. You also saw taehyung in your class and even you don't know the reason why you were glad to see him.

It was recess time, here you were sitting at the rooftop, looking at the clouds. The weather was still cloudy. You were smiling looking at the clouds, as they reminded you of them, how you three always use to guess the shapes of different clouds.

Your smile quickly faded as you heard some sound from the door. You turned around to see blue haired boy, Taehyung.

"Hey!! " He said showing a bit of excitement. "Hi" You greeted him back still not moving from your place.

"I think you like nature a lot, first moon and then clouds. "

"Nature is Everywhere.
Nature is everywhere you go.
Everything that lives and grown is nature.
Big and small.
Nature is plants that grow so tall."

It was his turn to complete your poem and a smile came to your face as he did.

"Nature is beautiful in every way.
Wonderful, exciting and needs our care.

So listen, learn and do your part to keep nature beautiful forever."

A chuckle escaped from his mouth as he completed the poem.
"Seems like you like poetry a lot." He said as he took a glance at you before he look at the clouds back again.

But his eyebrows furrowed as you shook your head as 'no'. "I hate poetry, it is a sin. " You said without looking at him.

"Poetry is for whimps.
It's all about doilies
and butterfly wings,
or stuff so personal
only the writer
could possibly know
what it's about
which really
makes me crazy.

And half the time
it doesn't even rhyme anyway."

He was a bit shocked about your choice of words. He even saw a bit of water in your eyes but decided to shrug it off.


So, you know namjoon. " He asked, a bit uncomfortable as he have seen how both of you were talking with each other.

"Sadly, yes. " You said as the wind was rushing to your face making your baby hair cover a bit of your eyes.

He was about to ask something else, but the bell rang indicating the lunch to be over.

You got up from your seat going to the door. Taehyung looked at your figure, before mirroring your actions.


The school was finally over. You were going to your locker when you bumped into someone, "sorr-" Your voice was cut upon seeing the girl in front of you.

'Deok Mi'

"Oh.. I see Lee Yeona is back. " You can hear the sarcasm in her voice. You were quick to pick up your things before moving. You were definitely not here to waste your time on some slut.

You stopped in your steps upon hearing namjoon's voice. "Babe, we are getting late." He stopped as he saw you. "Two times a day" You heard him say.

"My luck is really bad today. " Was your words before going to your destination.

A sad smile came to namjoon's face as he looked at you going.

"Those two should not have left you. You are like the tree that is hollow from inside but from outside, you are the strongest one anyone know. " He whispered under his breathe.

"When will you stop acting strong, Yeona. "

Poetry - a sin Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora