Chapter 2 : Cafe Kiss

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Mona and yourself walked down the street of the campus until you both entered a small coffee near the edge of the university. Mona continued withy her conversation on the topic of zodiacs and astrology, You tried to keep interest but the fear of college work began setting in, As you and Mona walked into the coffee shop you noticed a group of high esteemed people at a table facing the window.
"President unfortunately the budget this year isn't as high as it was last we won't be able to have the same lavish events" A man with a deep low voice spoke
"Zhongli it's easy for us to set up small fundraisers to try and raise enough for the welcome ball" a girl with blue hair and goat ears apparently spoke up
"It appears I need to fund the welcome ball it's very important we have it" A woman with golden white hair wearing luxury clothing she was also very pretty you knew she must be very important. You and Mona put in your orders and you walked to a table
"So the student council is here...'' Mona spoke softly while you both waited for your drinks
"They all seem really nice and the woman in the center is very pretty" You replied back
"They are all really nice but they are rich and I hate people who are rich!" Mona said weirdly proudly
"Mona don't you have a job?" You asked nicely
"Im a fortune teller not a very good one but it's enough to put food on my table" Mona spoke back
"Wow can you read my future? Ill give you five dollars" You asked nicely
"Uhm... You're an Aries..?" She feebly asked
"No.." You asked
"Taurus? No wait Sagittarius!? Or maybe Libra." She tried her hardest to yell out a response
"Nope" You laughed a bit at her inaccuracy
"Im try my best but I'm still a beginner at the whole astrology thing." She said sheepishly
You and Mona continued talking about other interests like reading, playing video games, and favorite movies. You talks continued until the barista brought your drinks over. "This looks delicious!" Mona cried out, Both of your drinks covered in whip cream and chocolate syrup with a cherry on top. You both spared no time before drinking the drinks in seconds however you did notice a loud bang at the door of the restaurant, Turning your head you saw Itto and a few friends along with the boy named Thoma and the boy named Ayatollah they entered the cafe. You and Itto locked eyes and he grinned at you while you waved back nicely.
"Don't tell me you and that moron are friends? Listen Y/N I like you but if his stupidness rubs off on you I'm moving dorms." Mona said sarcastically.
"Don't worry Mona I barely know him I wouldn't call us friends so no need to move dorms." You replied back
"I heard that idiot Oni and a girl named Yoimiya almost burned down the library with a fireworks show, and I heard he got into a fight with a guy named Ajax last year and they have argued ever since, not to mention when he got so wasted he almost-''
"Okay that's enough!" You yelled out
Mona and you laughed while you saw Itto and his friends sit on the opposite side of the cafe.

Itto's POV:

"Listen Listen! So I was running down the road right? And this car comes SPEEEDINGG and i mean speeding down the road and I was like crossing the road and I TOTALLY almost died Haha" Itto laughed with his friends.
"Honestly Itto I dont know how youre still alive I assumed you'd die over summer break haha" Ayato laughed with Thoma at the end of the table.
"Ya know Itto Kujou Sara was talking about you at orientation, She said this year she was totally gonna beat you up like last year haha" Thoma giggled
"I- Well- Uhm! Just let her try it! I spent all summer fighting Im fighting fit you didn't see me tussling with that loser earlier??" Itto stumbled
Itto and his friends continued chatting while Ayato ordered desserts for the table, Itto kept glancing over at your table and also kept seeing Mona glare at you which amused Itto a bit. Itto thought you looked cute and wanted to become friends with you but Itto was never the most in touch with confronting people. Itto then got up and went to the bathroom which nobody seemed to notice.

"If that dim witted moron of a man looks over at us one more time so help me celestia I'm going to go over there and throw a coffee maker at him." Mona annoyingly spoke
"Mona don't you find him just a little funny? Plus hes kinda hot too-" You muffled your last few words.
Mona stared at you with big bug like eyes and a blank expression on her face. You laughed a bit before getting up and going to the bathroom leaving Mona still with her jaw on the table. As you walked down the cafe hallway you thought about how funny it was that Itto was staring at you which made you feel a bit warm inside. Approaching the door of the bathroom you reached out for the door handle before you could touch it the door swung open revealing itto standing in front of you from inside.
"Itto?" You smiled at him
"uh- oh- H-Hey! Uhm what was your name?" Itto trembled over his words noticeably flustered
"It's Y/N haha I heard from Mona you were staring at us a lot is something wrong?" You smiled a smug smile noticeably making him tremble back
"S-sorry I didnt mean to do that haha-" Again Itto stumbled on his words visibly flustered
You and Itto locked eye for a bit you stayed staring up at him while you both shared blushed expressions at each other. Itto smiled and put his hand on your cheek moving your face towards his own before you were practically an inch away from touching. You heart was racing along with you hand which cupped onto Itto's. Just before you thought you two would share a kiss you heard a loud yelling from one of Itto's friends.
"YO! Itto were leaving hurry it up!" There voiced pierced the atmosphere.
Itto looked up annoyed before looking back down towards you kissing your forehead before walking away. You were left standing there in the empty hallway with nothing but a blank flustered expression on your face. You didn't expect what had just happened but you did noticed Mona's face peeking out from the side of the hallway her eyes again wide.
"MONA!" You shouted running towards her.

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