chapter 6 - Itto's Confession

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Hey Guys  😛 sorry I've been gone for so long, My cat died and then I had a physics test and if you've taken honors physics you know it hurts. but I'm back now to finish this Itto x reader stuff that makes me wish I wasn't single  💔. I'll update this story regularly and also post some other stuff but enjoy!

Itto's hand felt massive as it rubbed down your waist, You could feel his black nails that were so sharp they might as well be claws. Your hands rested on his large chest as you both kissed and panted. It was dark in the room yet you could still see Itto's red eyes piercing you like knives. Itto began working your clothes off of you little by little until you sat on his lap completely nude. Your body pulsed as you could feel his knee moving around and his hands and arms touching your bare skin. 

"Yo Itto where are ya!!" A voice from down the stairs called.

The sudden outburst finally revealed to you what you were doing with Itto, Your eyes widened and you became shakey causing you to fall backward off Itto's knee. Itto caught you with his hand and you both shared a glance before you climbed away and put on your clothes. Itto stood up and grabbed your hand as you finished getting dressed. 

"I-I'm super sorry" Itto started he lowered his head and gripped your hand tightly.

"I-It's alright Itto It's really okay." You felt bad now that you stopped however you wanted to continue and you truly lusted Itto's grasp. 

"I'm sorry y/n I just wanted to get closer to you I want you to like me and I-" itto started rambling.

"Itto I do like you and I would like to do these things with you, But on my own terms. I really do like you Itto." You cupped his cheek and leaned closer to him.

"C-can I-" Itto leaned closer to you putting his hands on your face. 

You stopped Itto midway and grabbed his face before kissing him and hugging him tightly. You pulled away and smiled and could see Itto's soft smile it was so warm and inviting. You gave him one last hug before leaving. As you closed the door Itto fell to his knees and started smiling and giggling. You walked down the stairs and grabbed Mona who was blackout drunk on the couch and dragged her the way home. 

The next day...

"Ugh- Oh my oracle I don't think I've ever woken up so so hungover!" Mona fell out of bed abruptly.

"Mona I have something to tell you." You helped her up before sitting down on your bed.

"Don't tell me... Oh, my stars! You must have hooked up with someone at the party! Wait wait wait don t tell me! Let me guess was it Kaeya the campus slut? Or was it Zhongli the mysterious guy! Oh, wait it must've been Diluc you both have pyro visions plus he's super sexy!!" Mona's outburst shook the entire dorm building.

"It was Itto. I like him" You broke the silence set in place and awaited Mona's explosion. After a few seconds, Mona's eye started to twitch and the life from her face was drained. She stood up and walked forward. 

"W-Whatever makes you happy roomie... If you like him then I'll tolerate him." Mona clenched up her fists and forced a rickety smile which made you both laugh. 

"Thank you Mona I just hope if we start dating nothing else interrupts us." You leaned forward and hugged her. 

Meanwhile In The Male Dormitory...

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Gorou's screamed at Itto who was sitting on the floor shirtless with nothing but a pair of basketball shorts on.
"We made out and stuff..." The oni spoke softly almost ashamed to admit to Gorou even though Gorou was younger than him and his best friend.

"So help me god Itto did you even ask if they would date you?" Gorou walked to the window visibly annoyed. Itto's eyes widened as he ran out the door full speed.

"Typical. Hey you forgot your shirt!- ugh he's too far gone that stupid Oni I have to call Kokomi." Gorou shrugged and closed the door.

Itto ran down the campus and eventually ran into you and Mona who were walking to get some breakfast and some hangover relief pills for Mona. Itto dropped to his knees in front of you which with his size nearly shook the street. 
"Y/N Will you please date me!" Itto looked up at you smiling

"I-Itto you're half-naked... "You spoke Oh my god I never realized how ripped he is he is practically a pickup truck! you thought to yourself.

"Yes or no please I have to know!" Itto pleaded

"Of course Itto." You smiled and patted him on the head

"There's your answer now scram!" Mona with a swift kick to Itto's stomach sent him flying with a hydro wave sending him all the way back to the boy's dormitory. You never realized it but Mona was a very powerful astrologer and the hydro user being able to channel her hydro elemental energy into a single concentrated kick while hungover. Itto landed in a bush and was helped up by Gorou and Kokomi. Back with you and Mona, Mona fixed her headband and started walking down the street as usual. 

Sorry this part is short lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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