I: 882

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"Psst, Dakota, this way."

Omari put his finger up my chin, lifting it to gain my attention.

It was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing, not even Omari's face. But I tried my best to catch up with him as we fled through a damp alleyway, following his footfalls as we stepped through the thick snow. Snowflakes piled on top of my eyelashes, blurring my sight as the alleyway grew narrow. I tried to squint my eyes to gain a vision of where we were heading.

"Ah, goddamnit..." Omari came to a harsh stop, halting my path. I heard my wet tennis shoes screech at the stone floor.

"Omari, what's wrong?" I put my hands on his arm, clutching it tightly. I hoped his long sleeves absorbed the sweat from my palms.

"Looks like we're not getting out of this one." He grabbed my wrist and placed my hand towards a brick wall before us. I understood. We hit a dead end.

"God, Omari...what are we..." I looked behind us, listening to the sound of police sirens nearing. I could see red and blue lights continuously flash over the night sky, growing closer to each hue. It was over.

"Dakota...I'm so sorry, but..."
I started to tear up at his words. Not even my brother had a solution for this. We were believed to be sinners, and now we had to pay an unfair price. Despite Omari's presence, I felt despair for the first time.

"Freeze!" Police officers crowded our vision, blocking the area with guns in hand. Car lights flashed in my eyes as if they were hideously judging my every movement. I didn't say a word, lifting my arms in the air, declaring our defeat. Omari did the same as well.

"It's going to be okay," Omari turned his head to reassure me and smiled. His smile had always comforted me, leaving a positive sense. I hoped for the best as the police apprehended us.

For the second time, I felt the sting of cold metal ring around my wrists. The cuffs clutched it tightly, leaving a nasty mark on my hands. I stared at it with a sulking look, disgusted at the sight of it. Omari noticed this and stroked his hand on my shoulder to console me, creasing off the wrinkles on my shirt. I never understood how he could stay calm in a time like this.

Another unsuccessful escape, I thought. The last time was too close, and now this one cost us big time. Now that we had tried to escape from their grasp a second time, I knew without a shadow of a doubt, they would send me to a 5 star facility. And I was never going to be allowed to exit with Omari, not on their watch.

Police sirens and iron bars sliding filled my mind. I listened to officers arguing and conversing with detectives in my jail cell. As I sat on a dusty, tile floor, I felt dirt gather up on my palms. I gripped my crop-top in order to capture a fragment of warmth. It was cold, desolate, and scary. I couldn't stop sweating. I felt like crying.

"Ah..." I exclaimed out loud, wiping my forearms onto my eyes. Tears dripped down my face, leaving wet marks on my clothes.

"Oh, Dakota..." Omari, right next to me, tightly embraced me into his arms. He didn't say a word to me. I just kept crying on his sweater.

"Let's get going now," An officer tapped at our cell's iron bars with her baton.
She quickly cuffed me and Omari and dragged us outside, towards a police car. I observed the area around us; snowflakes were drifting about, stars gleamed quietly in the night sky, and the moonlight looked harshly upon me. I felt like the more I looked at it, the more it burned my skin. It hurt looking back down at my new reality.

Time passed as the stars grew dim. The officer escorted us to a new location, a prison, to be specific. I had been in jail before, but never in prison. It was surreal watching me and Omari follow the officer, inching closer to the huge facility. We passed through a thick iron gate, entering the main door. Upon entering, a warden took us in, leading us across dim hallways that were full of multiple cells. As I looked around, it must have been later than I thought it was, because everyone was fast asleep.
My attention was turned to my reality as the warden stopped dragging us. The hallway came to an end, and we were brought into a small, dusty room. It looked similar to a photo booth, as the room was strewn with lights that blinded my eyes. It hurt as a high-pitched noise rang through my ears.

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