IX: Cricket's Call (END)

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That day, I had killed my best friend in cold blood. My heart pounded as I watched blood gurgle from their throat. My mind raced. I loved the feeling of killing. But the spill was always the worst part...Omari had taught me so.

As time went on, I eventually used this method to remove anyone who disobeyed me from my life. Cathleen, the serial killer, they called me. But I did what I had to.

Or at least, that was what I had thought.

Another memory. The one day I killed my classmate with my bare hands. A popular one, I think. It was college---quite recently. She was top of the school, known by everybody. But I knew everything was wrong about her---how she always kept an angel act, but acted like the devil towards me.

I drowned her. Took her by the neck.

I did what I had to. Omari told me this. Omari understood...but...now...

He can't understand anymore. Nobody can understand me anymore. I'm...alone. And a sinner. A cold-hearted, blood thirsty sinner. And I forgot this fact, forgetting the lives that were taken by my own hands.

I heard metal tinkle. My eyes shot up, still dead and somber.

It was still night at that time, probably sonewhere during 3-4 AM. I wondered what was going on so early in the morning.

I saw Zack stand up, escorted by 2 wardens. They exited our cell. My heart dropped when I noticed Zack was handcuffed...something was off.

Without thinking, I followed him. "Huh...where are you going?"

Zack didn't look at me. Nor speak to me.

"Foster is to be executed this morning," One of the wardens answered me.

"W...what?" I couldn't utter another word.

That was why he wanted to escape yesterday...His execution date was...today.

"Wait, please, don't...!" I cried out, now understanding the situation.

I reached my hand out to Zack, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping it. "Koda. Please don't follow me,"

My legs grew weak at his voice. "N...No! You can't leave! You still have to..."

I shoved myself down the hall, following their trail. I felt like falling down into a deep, bottomless pit. My mind stirred.

"God, why didn't you tell me?? If you told me, we could've..." I started to sob, thinking about the escape route under my bed.

"Koda." Zack halted, turning his head towards me.

I couldn't capture a glimpse of his face, as my eyes were blurry, full of tears.

"Could you...do one last thing for me?"

"Yes...I'll do anything."

"Anything, eh?

I waited patiently.

"So, Koda...could you...smile for me?" He made that same, sinister smile that I saw the first time I met him at the photo booth. But this time was different.

No matter how odd this was, and no matter how much I wanted to burst into tears, I did so anyway. And I made the most heartfelt smile I had ever made in my life.

"..." Tears streamed down my cheek as I beamed at him. I tried not to blink as much.

"Hah..." Zack turned away from me, walking away. Before he left, he said this: "Thank you, Dakota..."

A distant memory flashed back into my mind. I was left in silence, only with the sound of humming lights.

The wardens turned around the corner. I felt dumbfounded, but I found enough strength to say...


Nobody responded. Nor heard my voice. I was just left with the moonlight's silence and the cricket's call.

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