II: Angosthesia

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On Monday mornings, I always get up early to the warmth of my bed and it's adversary; a harsh cold breeze let in by an open window. Those Mondays always had a warm plate of mashed potatoes and vegetables waiting for me on my side table. Those mornings, birds always sang songs, butterflies fluttered in the garden, and households groaned at the blaring noise of their alarms.

This morning was different.

Instead of an alarm, the morning announcement blasted my ears, reminding me of my inevitable future, the start of my new daily life in this hellhole. Chatter loomed the halls, like a large, cheering football stadium. I could tell others were rushing to the yard, getting ready for attendance. My attention came back to my cell when I saw Zack climb down the ladder, glancing away from me. I looked away too, tension in the air. However, the cell door swung open and I hastily made my leave.

I avoided and passed through the stampede of inmates, eventually meeting Omari in one of them.

"Hey, Omari!" I was glad to see him.

"Had a good night's sleep, Dakota?" He tried to catch up to me, avoiding the lines of prisoners surrounding the hall. I walked a bit slower.

"Ah..." I rubbed my eyelids, just noticing I was extremely tired.

"That's okay," Omari replied. "We all wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes."

He took my hand, leading me faster to the prison yard. I felt the warmth of his palms, eventually thawing the cold out of mine. Omari's presence always made me feel calm, and today it really showed. I felt like laying on his shoulder, but I was interrupted by a sudden halt.

We entered the prison yard. I felt a nice, fresh breeze flow throughout my face. I was glad to be finally in the open again, as it was a breather from what smelled like a whole gymnasium. I liked the atmosphere as tiny flakes of snow gathered in my hair.

"Oh, it's snowing again," Omari brushed a bit of snow off his hair. "Nice weather, eh?" After he said this, I watched him grab a small parcel from his pocket. "I believe this belongs to you, Dakota..."

"Ah? What's this?" I opened the folded piece of paper, and what I saw was the brochure from yesterday. I wrapped it up again and placed it in my pocket. "Many thanks, Omari."

Looking around the yard, I noticed something that shocked me. The snow was strewn with trash from left to right. It was disgusting, as if nobody had upkeeped the yard. I felt pure hatred and disgust.

"Ah, look at all this litter..." Omari muttered this, as if he read my mind. I wondered if his rabbit ears worked so well he could hear into my thoughts.

"Omari Cathleen!" A superior yelled. It seemed like we were doing attendance first thing in the morning.


"Dakota Cathleen!" Another.


I heard a few inmates gossip and laugh after I stuttered. I turned my head down, staring at my tennis shoes. Omari seemed to notice, but didn't say anything.

Soon, roll call was over, and we were all excused to eat breakfast at the cafeteria. Among the crowds of prisoners, I listened into their conversations, overwhelmed. It felt as though the hallways were getting thinner, as stampedes of inmates rushed their way to the cafeteria. I tried to keep my balance as others pushed and shoved. This passing period was way too lively.

"Stay close to me," Omari clasped my hand tightly, making me feel a sense of nostalgia. I liked the way he always made sure I was safe.

In one of the hordes of orange, I noticed Zack walking among them. I hesitantly walked faster to catch up to him, inching forwards one step at a time. Omari tried to clasp me once again, but I let go of his grasp, leaving him behind. Eventually, I was a fair distance behind Zack, observing him closely. Despite his menacing aura, I drew closer to him, reaching out to tap his shoulder. I felt drawn to him. However, someone had pulled me back.

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