IV: Yes, Omari.

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Zack picked up on what he said. "Agh, don't go thinkin' I owe you somethin' after this," He tried to keep his tough act, but I saw right through it.

"Uh-huh.." I sighed. Just as I thought he could have some kind of human decency, I was proven to be wrong the next second. I shouldn't have expected anything, after all.

Zack stared at his blood-stained clothing. I, too, was uncomfortable at the sight of it. I tried to think of a new solution, and quick. "Ah, Zack. I know what to do about that," An idea flashed through my head.

"Huh? Whaddya got?"

"Let me wash the blood off for you. Fortunately, I'm in charge of laundry," I stuck my thumb towards my chest, proudly flocking my demeanor. Zack didn't seem to pick up on it.

"Meh, sure. Break a leg," He got up weakly, trying to grasp on balance. I helped him stand.

Looking at the map, the laundromat was conveniently arranged near our cell, so I wasn't too worried about gaining unwanted attention. I grabbed Zack by the hand, taking him over to the room. He seemed to consent to it. For a person like me, this predicament was surprisingly going my way. I felt lucky for the first time in forever.

Once we entered the laundromat, he handed me his shirt and jacket, letting me put it in the washer. It was a bit awkward, knowing that he was shirtless, but I tried to bring my attention somewhere else.

Green detergent and white powder were always a source of comfort to me. I loved the scent, how it smelled like fresh flowers no matter the season; spring, summer, fall, winter...the roar of washing machines left a sense of freedom in my mind, like washing grit off a dirty plate. Others called me a weirdo for this, but it's not like I paid them any mind. I could wash them away, after all.

"Soo, Dakota," Zack's voice caught my attention. "What's up with yer cleanin' fetish or somethin'?"

I was caught off guard by his joke. I couldn't believe he said that with a straight face. "Ha ha." I laughed in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, I've met a good amount of people like that...somethin' with peepers and graves an' whatnot." His sentence got progressively quieter, making me wonder what his past was like. I wasn't too sure he would even answer any of my questions.

"Hey Zack, what are you in this hellhole for?" I heard the washing machine rumble louder, shaking the wooden floor I sat upon. It was about to be finished soon.

"Eh..? Well, I've done my fair share of killin' an' stabbin'." He sneered, almost like he was proud of taking lives. I gave him a sad look. "You?"

"Oh...Me? I guess me and my brother were framed for something we didn't do. I'm not too sure..." I cut off my sentence, not speaking another word. The fact is, I wasn't even aware of what I did. All I knew was that me and Omari had to run away.

"Damn, sucks to suck," Zack rested his hands in his pockets, leaning on one of the unused washing machines. "You seem to get the worst outta' things, seein' you here with me and all." He tied his loose bandages together.

"Ahah, you're right..." I put a finger under my chin in admittance. He was spot on, after all. Interestingly enough, it was true. I felt like the unluckiest person alive, at least, I was...

The machine rang a bell, alarming me that Zack's laundry was ready. I took it out, smelling the new, fresh scent. I stood up, noticing Zack was already behind me.

"Ready? All right, give it to me."

I handed it to Zack, then exited the room into the hallways. I heard a lock click.

Looking through the hall's windows, I noticed it was later than I expected. The sun was already setting, leaving an orange glow gleam throughout the hallways. I smiled at this atmosphere.

"Time sure flies..." I said to myself, resting my head on the wall behind me. I spent a few moments in solitude.

"Dakota!" Omari's voice called out to me. I flinched at it, used to the quiet humming of lights. I knew that voice. Something serious had happened.

"Huh? Omari?? What's wrong!?"

"Oh god, Dakota. I've been looking for you everywhere...I'm so glad I found you," He wiped sweat off his forehead.

"Omari. What happened?"

"Ahh, I was worried sick. After I...after you vanished, I couldn't find you at all," He placed his hands on my shoulders, giving a relieved smile. "You looked like you were in a hurry. What was that?"

"Oh, nothing happened..." I didn't know why I lied about the situation with Zack. I felt as if he would be angry about it.

"And...why are you here? Are you...waiting for someone?" He gave me a serious look once again, tightening his grip on my shoulders. I wasn't sure what had gotten into him.

"Omari, seriously. It's nothin'." I tried to push him away, as he was almost scraping my skin with his nails. I felt relieved as he let go.

"Oh, I'm...sorry." He scratched his head, admitting his fault. "Just don't leave your brother like that...you know how this place can be."

"Yes..Omari." I conceded.

"Don't hang out with that Isaac fellow again," Omari asserted. I wondered why he knew I was with Zack, but I didn't dare question him.

"Yes, Omari."

Omari left, satisfied with my behavior.

My day passed as usual, except this time I only had one thing on my mind: My conversation with Zack. I thought of how he made me laugh, and how easily I talked with him. I had never felt this way before. It left me with a warm, discomforting feeling. But I craved for more.

That Tuesday night was worse than I could have ever imagined. The temperature dropped drastically, and it didn't help that I had lended my blanket to Zack to treat his wound. That night, I shriveled into a curling position, trying to capture any warmth possible. I wondered if I could start growing icicles on my hair at this rate.

Somehow, I managed to speak a few words.

"H-Hey, Zack. Can you sleep at all?" I shivered.

"Can't. You, too?" I heard Zack shuffle at his bed.

"Uhm, I was wondering if I could ask you something."

"God, can't you at least shut up so I can get a single moment of shut-eye?"

"Sorry, but...about earlier today.."

"Eh? Go on, I'm listenin'."

"So, your wound...how did you get it?" I clasped my hands together.

Zack sat up from his bed. I could see his legs swing off the edges. "Some dickhead came up and cut me for no reason," He claimed.

"God..what..? Who would do such a thing?" I angrily sat up, placing my hands on my legs.

"Ah, my exact damn thoughts. It is what it is, however," Zack layed back down, shuffling around his bed that caused the structure to shake. I didn't mind.

Dawn had...dawned, marking my goalstone of making it to the middle of the week. Despite the freezing temperatures, I went about my normal day routine. However, once I had reached the cafeteria, I had decided to make the stupidest decision of my life.

Zack stood in the hallways, leaning on one of the walls and holding a bottle of water. He looked at the floor, observing the white hue that gleamed from the window. It wasn't long until I went ahead in front of him, opening my mouth to say something.

"Zack..are you..free today?"

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