Chapter Twelve

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It was starting to get rather crowded at the old shrine, not because Garmadon now had three new students, but more like there wasn't enough space for each of their hobbies. Jay wanted his very own workbench, not to mention all the metal he would require for building anything. Whenever Kai needed to forge anything he would have to run back and forth from the blacksmith shop to the shrine, it wasn't a long walk but he grew sick of it after the third run. Zane and Cole didn't have much to complain about, but did say that the shrine didn't have the comfiest mats to sleep on. "Hot plates are also not enough to make meals out of, I require a full kitchen." The former remarked.

"And not to mention Flame doesn't like sleeping outside, she needs someone to cuddle her." Cole added, petting the dragon's snout. "And she misses the other elemental dragons."

"Wait, Flame is a girl?"

"Didn't you notice? I happen to be an expert in dragon ownership after I met with Rocky. I would have brought him along but there was the issue of bringing him all the way into a small town without trampling everything. I mean I think he's well behaved enough not to do so but Wu was concerned and all."

"You've seen the other three dragons? My father put them in charge of guarding the Golden Weapons until the four main elemental masters reclaim them, that is why they didn't attack you. Wu and I have draconian ancestry ourselves, that and... Something I would rather not get into." Garmadon explained. "I have remained at this shrine for decades, kinda hard to move a whole dohyo into an apartment y'know? But in all seriousness I cannot stray far from purification sites for long, whether they be shrines, temples or anywhere made with the clay used for a dohyo. Plus I don't really want to be seen in public after everything going on with me and Wu."

However it seemed like looking for a new home would be easier than they thought, to one of the rikishi anyways. Later that night was a time for the boys to treat themselves after a long day of training bouts, Garmadon had a jar full of honey soaked cookies called yakgwa on a high shelf for the boys to take from. Now with Zane training with the others, he would also bake little mug cakes after particularly hard sessions. "Maybe someday one of us can finally topple him in the ring! I mean better him than me, right?"

"I dunno Jay, it's always funny seeing where you'll tumble next after being pushed out. Last time you nearly bowled over Cole and Zane! Could have been a strike if I was between them."

Before the lightning master could respond, Zane emerged with a bowl full of custard filled yakgwa cookies, made from scratch with fresh egg yolks he got from local markets. The boys would have dug in if it weren't for them focusing on his pink apron. Jay was snickering while Cole and Kai had to hide their blushing faces. "How can one guy be so adorable? Oh god he's just the definition of precious!"

"Umm, did you not want custard tonight?"

He got his answer when Jay could barely contain his giggles, pointing at his apron when he laughed. Of course he stopped once the rest of the shrine glared daggers at him. "What? I mean you can't say you expected Zane to come out dressed in THAT can ya?"

As expected, this didn't result in them agreeing with him. Cole even dumped the bowl full of leftover custard on his head. "Don't worry about motormouth, you look good, Pinky." He exclaimed.

"Yeah! Makes you look like a rose." Kai added, blowing the flustered ice ninja a kiss. "I also would love to have some more of your cooking soon, you could even make bean sprouts taste good!"

Zane continued to blush further the more compliments he was given, even long after finishing dessert. "I suppose I better clean up for the night, I'll meet you all in bed soon." He declared, heading out to rinse the dishes. "It's very peaceful here, I just wish I could find someone who knows me."

However his thoughts were stopped short when he noticed a falcon staring down at him, cooing at him every few seconds. Curious, the ice sumo flapped his arms, watching as the bird mimicked him. "I don't think I've ever seen birds dance before. Do you know who I am? Wait! Don't fly away."

Zane quickly made chase after the falcon, there was something oddly familiar about it. Eventually it did slow, landing in front of a large ship, hidden away behind overgrown bushes. "Is this what you wanted to show me? Perhaps this could be our new home! I must tell the others about this after morning training."

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