Day 182

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Day 182
March 01, 2022
10:38 P.M.

Dear Diary,
Hi March Month! I am rooting for a best luck for me and hoping I am totally heal; physically, mentally and emotionally I know I will be experienced more hard times but I am ready because after of bad or worst times it taught me for who I am now. And I am glad that I and my sister having a simple exercise and we played badmiton that I really missed to do. More over that, I have a lot of things to do but still I want be productive and continue accepting it. Because challenges will be the key to be more conqueror and I can prove that I can. But I will still take care of my health.

Respectfully yours,

A new sunsrise
proves that always
have hope and positivity.
Soar high and
move forward;
release negativity
and bring your sword.


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