Day 227

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Day 227
April 15, 2022
11:32 P.M.

Dear Diary,
My day is just a simple then I do some thing that I need like washed my pillow case and the bedsheets. Do scrolling in facebook and most of all  give time to myself and to my friends. But I experienced something that I ask again my skills, talents and the things that I can do. I don't this weird feeling but yeah sometimes I actually having a random questions about it and yet it's ended to what ifs.  Still, I cry out this messy feeling to our God because I know He is the one who can help me, I don't want to be frustrated anymore. I just want to be thankful because after having this scenarios I know God is continually there to help me for everything. All I need to do is surrender it and continue t
my life. Above all, I want to be honest to myself that I know this struggles give me a lot of lessons and realization.

Respectfully yours,

took us
that end
up to
or most of all
positivity and


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