DAY 320

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Day 320
July 18, 2022
8:40 PM

Dear Diary,
This is my first day in Straive as a trainee. Honestly, I am overwhelmed with their facilities and services, they are chill and enjoyed their job. Aside from that I met our trainer Sir Jordan and one my co-trainee. My day is just simple but very great for me because I met new people again. Also, when we talked about the introduction I amazed because this job is connected on me as a writer. More over that, I want to discover more and engage with them to develop my capacity and skills. I understand now that your job will lead you to something that gives you knowledge to see a lot of things.

Respectfully yours,

Surround yourself
in a biggest opportunity
that will engage to your
freedom and skills.
A knowledge of yours,
will give something
for your growth.

-Manunulat Rosel-

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