Exercises 201

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In this chapter we are going to put into practice all that we have covered since Exercises 101, as well as build on the previous exercises. So this chapter will cover basic cleansing rituals, various protection techniques for a wide range of purposes, and a how to sense energy.

Once again, all the exercises are written in a precise order because they build on one another. You don't have to master an exercise before moving onto the next, but you should try each of them at least once.

Simple self-cleansing ritual

Perform this ritual on yourself just before you cast a spell or undergo any intense magickal work. It is also a good idea to perform a self-cleansing ritual after you've been exposed to a lot of negativity (in public, online, at work, etc) or when you're feeling run-down.

You will need:
> Bath tub or shower
> Fresh clothes or ritual attire (clothes you only wear when doing witchcraft)
> Visualisation
> (Optional) candles/incense
> (Optional) a prop sword, ritual knife, or wand (stick, rod, letter-opener, etc)
> (Optional) herb bundle or spray bottle

1. Take a bath or shower.
2. Dry off, get dressed into fresh clothes (or ritual attire), and sit somewhere comfortable. If you want to, light some candles or incense.
3. Practise some brief meditation, grounding, and centring. Close your eyes, and take some deep breaths through the nose. Visualise dull, yucky light exiting the body on each outward breath, and visualise bright, clean light entering the body on each inward breath. (If you can't visualise, concentrate on the warm, stagnant air exiting the nose, and the cool, refreshing air entering the nose).
4. (Optional) If this is your first time cleansing, or you haven't done an intense cleanse in a while, then visualise yourself holding a gleaming sword (if you can't visualise, it might help to hold a prop). Use it to slash away negative psychic links surrounding you; slash all around your body, over your head, beneath your feet, and behind you. Visualise all the psychic links being severed, shrivelling, and cast away by the sword. All of the negativity is being removed (do not worry about destroying the positive energy, as it exists on a different plane).
5. (Optional) To reinforce your meditation and visualisation, light some incense or a herb bundle, and pass the smoke over your body. Visualise the smoke driving away any negativity. Alternatively, you can get a spray bottle filled with saltwater/moon water/sun water/rainwater/herbal infusion, and spray it all over your body.
6. Reinforce this exercise with a positive affirmation, say it out loud or very clearly in your head:
"Negative energy,
you may not stay.
I release you,
be on your way.
Negative energy,
I banish thee.
This is my will,
so mote it be."

When you are calm, grounded, and centred, you are ready to begin your spellwork.

"When you are calm, grounded, and centred, you are ready to begin your spellwork

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