Sun & Moon

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The sun and the moon can be considered the most powerful celestial objects to work with in witchcraft. Between them they can be used in almost any kind of spell, and their infinite source of magickal energy is more than ideal for empowering your spells with.

In Wicca, the sun and moon are considered natural manifestations of the God and Goddess respectively; working with the sun and moon is one of the most effective ways to directly connect with the Wiccan deities.

How to use sun & moon magick in your craft

> Observe divine masculine & divine feminine in the sun & moon
> Schedule cleansing & charging rituals around the moon phases
> Daily sunrise/sunset rituals
> Conduct esbat rituals on new & full moons
> Soak up the sun's rays for quick cleansing
> Work with plants & crystals associated with the sun & moon
> Make moon water & sun water

The Sun

The sun gives life, it determines the length of the day, provides warmth & energy, and without its gravity the earth would cease to exist. In Wicca, the sun is associated with the God and is considered the second most powerful celestial body in witchcraft (after the moon).

The sun is extremely powerful; it dictates the separation between day and night, provides light so we can see, provides warmth for our survival, and can be the difference between abundance and famine. Life on earth is completely dependant on it. Because of this, the sun is connotated with public influence, powerful leaders, strength, abundance, career, law, and money.

The sun is associated with growth, as without it plants and crops would not grow. In witchcraft, the sun can be connected with any kind of growth including business, finances, children & family, and personal growth.

The sun is also known for its bright, illuminating light during the daytime. Things are much easier to find when you can see them. For this reason, witches can associate the sun with illumination, enlightenment, clarity, and truth. Sun magick is useful in spells to find lost objects or to uncover the truth.

Finally, the sun is a commonality between all life on earth. Every food chain leads back to the sun as the great source of energy, and all the planets in the solar system orbit around it; the sun is the one thing that connects all of us. Because of this, the sun's magick is useful in friendship, partnership, and communication spells, particularly regarding business. The sun's power can be invoked when there is great need to find common ground between people or organisations.

☀️ Sun Associations: Health, success, career goals, ambition, money, wealth, law, buying, selling, strength, leadership, men's mysteries, children, career, family, public influence, friendships, love, general abundance, employment opportunities, b...

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☀️ Sun Associations: Health, success, career goals, ambition, money, wealth, law, buying, selling, strength, leadership, men's mysteries, children, career, family, public influence, friendships, love, general abundance, employment opportunities, business, illuminating lost objects, growth, confidence, clarity, commonality, abundance, truth, harmony, partnerships, divine masculine, your masculine side.
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: gold, diamond, ruby, chrysolite, yellow topaz, citrine, chrysoprase, and amber, corundum, yellow Tiger's Eye, sunstone.
🌿 Plants: Any plants that resemble the sun in shape or colour, that open during the day and close at night, that follow the sun's movements during the day, as well as those that provide winter nourishment such as grains and nuts. Examples: Sunflower, calendula, marigold, daylily, orange, citron, saffron, pine, mistletoe, rosemary, buttercup, heliotrope, bay laurel, daisy, walnut, acorn, maize, wheat, hops, cloves, cinnamon.
🖐️ Body parts: the heart, circulatory system, the spinal cord, thymus gland.
📆 Day: Sunday
♌ Zodiac: Leo
🌈 Colours: Orange, amber, gold, yellow, red
🛐 Deities: Helios, Sol, Ra, Amaterasu, Sunna, Tonatiuh, Aditi, Ah, Kinchil, Apollo, Aten, Brighid, Dhatara, Frey, Itzamna, Lucifer, Mithra, Mystere, Nitten, Paiva, Savitar

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