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Angel's POV ((Before I start I want to say thank you guys so much for loving my story! It really means a lot to me. Recently this story hit 100 votes. If you read Mr. Popular X The Emo you know that is is a special chapter as celebration. It still goes along with the story line so don't worry Okay sorry to bother ))

I sit in music class by myself waiting for it to be over. Rebel never showed up for class. It's been two days in a row now. I haven't ran into Drew yet. Hopefully I will later so I can ask if Rebel's okay. The bell rings and I quickly get to my locker. Looking about the sea of faces I let out a light breath as I see Drew. Quickly I push my way through. 

"Drew!" I get his attention. He turns around and smiles.

"Oh, Angel, how's it goin' man?" He asks patting me roughly on the shoulder. 

"Um, I'm good. What happen to calling me 'Newbie'?" I ask. He chuckles.

"I told you you'd get your name back after you've been here for a week and today marks a week." He says. "Now on to what you really came here for." He glances at me with a smirk. I force away a blush.

"Um, yeah. . . I was wondering what's wrong with Rebel? Is he sick?" I ask as nonchalantly as I can. Drew's grin gets wider. 

"How about you go and ask him yourself? He just got home so, you can go talk to him, but don't pester him too much. If he doesn't want to talk to you then just keep him company quietly." He tells me as we get towards the entrance. 

"Shouldn't I leave if he doesn't want to talk?" I ask confused. Drew stops, looking back at me. 

"I think he needs your company. When you get there just walk in. He won't answer the door. Go to the hall near his bedroom and tell him you're there. Wait a minute or two before you go into his room. I think he will open up to you. I don't know why. Now, I'm going on a limb here and trusting my gut." He steps closer to me with narrow eyes. I realize he is a good two inches taller than me and more muscular. "I'm trusting you to help my little brother so, don't ruin it. If I find out you hurt him or do anything to him against his will, I will not hesitate to beat you to a pulp. You may think you can take me or that you're some kind of badass, but hurt my brother and you won't have a chance. Got it?" He ask with a slight snarl and I have to admit, I felt intimidated. I don't get to feel that often. 

"Y. . .Yes. . ." I stutter and resist the urge to call him sir. He smiles, loosing the intimidating feeling, and pats me on the shoulder. 

"That-a-boy! See you on Monday." He says and heads out the door. I sigh. What the hell am I getting myself into? Why do I even care about a guy I met only five days ago? Despite my thoughts I know where I'll end up.

Like I said, a few minutes later, I'm at Rebel's door. I resist the urge to knock and just open the door. Aren't his parents home? I take my shoes off and set my bags down. I called on my way here to let my grandparents know I won't be home on time. I cautiously I head towards Rebel's room. I stop at the start of the hallway to his room.

"Um. . .Hey Rebel. . . It's me Angel. Drew told me I could come visit you. . ." I trail off awkwardly. I wait and listen, but nothing happens. Cautiously I walk towards his room. I slowly open the door peeking in as I do I see the covers move to cover, I assume, Rebel. "Hey Rebel, I'm coming in." I warn and open the door the rest of the way and walk up to his bed. I look down at the lump under the covers. I pull up a chair from the empty desk and sit. "Rebel I know your not asleep." 

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