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Angel’s POV (Picture is Drew)

“Hun, it’s time to get up for school.” Grandma says shaking me lightly. Before I went through millions of alarm clocks because I would hit them of the nightstand and shatter them. But you can’t hit your grandma to shut her up, that would end badly, so you have to get up. I grumble in response. “I have freshly made donuts downstairs. There cinnamon.” She tells me leaving. ‘That is very good motivation. How does she remember I love cinnamon donuts? I haven’t had breakfast here in years.’ I get up and head into the bathroom.

I head downstairs a few minutes later and get some donuts. “Do you want me ta take you?” My grandpa ask drinking is coffee. “Na, I’ll walk. I need to or else these donuts will make me fat.” I say with a smile. “Okay, you’ll need to leave soon then.” He says chuckling. I nod and eat another donut. ‘Boy did I miss them. And my grandparents.’ I finish getting ready and head out the door.

I arrive at my new school ten minutes later. I go to the office and get my schedule. ‘Hmm. Homeroom, Science, Social Studies, gym, lunch, Math, English, and last Music. Okay, now to find homeroom.’ I search for Mr. Lums class. About three minutes later I find it. I open it and go in nervously. Mr. Lums, a balding man who look in his 50’s, stands when he see’s me. “Oh that reminds me! Class we have a new student today. Please introduce your self.” He says politely.

“I’m Angel Ringwalt. That’s all I have to say.” I tell them. Some giggle at the difference between my name and appearance. I here someone whisper. “Not another one with the wrong name!” That confuses me. ‘What are the talking about?’ “It’s nice to meet you Angel. I assume you’ll need a guide around school?” I nod. “That would be nice.” He goes over to his computer. “I’ll see who has either the same schedule or at least close to yours. Hmm. . . Ah! I have just the person.” He says coming back over to me.

“Rebel can you come up here? You and Angel have the same schedule.” No one comes up. ‘Wow, this Rebel must match his name.’ “Rebel. . .” He says again, but surprisingly not with angry. ‘Weird.’ “Mr. Lums Rebel fell asleep again!” Someone pipes up. Mr. Lums sighs and beckons me to follow him back to an empty desk. “You can sit here right next to him.” He says and I look over at the person next to me. ‘This must be Rebel.’ He has his head down and cover with his white hood. ‘He seems too small. . .’ Mr. Lums squats down next to Rebel. I barely hear him whisper to Rebel, “Rebel this isn’t nap time.” I hear a mumble. “You really should take different work hours or less hours and jobs. You’re only in high school.” He whisper apparently understanding the mumble. ‘Maybe this Rebel is just like a pit-bull? Scary looking, but actually really nice and misunderstood.’ Rebel mumbles. “Come on you need to get up there’s a new student and you are his guide.” Mr. Lums says getting up and heading back to his desk.

I watch Rebel as he keeps his head down, but pushes back his hood to reveal a head of shaggy black hair. ‘Time to see how scary he looks.’ When he raises his head and looks at me both our eyes widen. “Angel?!” The boy from yesterday, Rebel, exclaims in shock. “Yeah. Your names Rebel?!” I ask in shock. ‘He’s to kind and small to be named Rebel! This must be what the kid from earlier meant. Damn.’ He smiles. “Yeah. I yelled it to you yesterday, but I guess you didn’t hear me.” I nod. “Well, I guess your my guide. We have the same classes.” I say happy I get to be with this cute boy all day. ‘Oh god  I’m seriously growing a crush! I just met him yesterday!

The bell rings and everyone rushes out. I wait for Rebel to get his stuff together. “Sorry.” He says when we finally get out the door. “It’s okay. I don’t care if we are late. Uh-oh. Jock alert.” I whisper as one of the jocks approaches us. Rebel smiles at my comment. “Hey Rebel and newbie.” He says once he gets to us. “Names Angel not newbie.” I tell him defensively. He’s the same height as me, but more musclier. I could take him. “I know, but it’s newbie until you’ve been here for a full week.” The jock says with a smirk. “Really?” He nods. I notice Rebel looking through his binder full of papers. “So you got it done?” I hear the jock ask him. ‘What?’ “Yes I do, but I advice you to at least study it. You’ll never pass if you don’t and I can’t take your test for you. Your mom would kill you if you didn’t pass.” Rebel says not looking up. I see pain pass into the jocks eyes and something tells me it’s not about not passing. “I know Rebel. I will it’s the least I can do for you. That and pay you.” He says. Rebel pulls out a packet and hands it to the jock. “Wait! You make him do your homework!” I start fuming. “It’s okay Angel.”

“No it’s not!” I exclaim. The jock digs into his pocket and pulls out a $20 and holds it out to Rebel. Rebel shakes his head. “No.” Jock frowns still holding it out. “Rebel I know I told you that you need to learn to say ‘no’, but this isn’t what you say ‘no’ to. Take it.” He says. “Drew I said no! I don’t need your money!” Rebel says going on the defensive. The jock, Drew, keeps it out. “Rebel, you do need it! I know how much you work and don’t worry it’s not her money! It’s some I got from my part time job! Take it or I’ll. . .I’ll. . .Grrr! Take it!” Drew says angrily. ‘I’m extremely confused now. . .’ “Fine!” Rebel exclaims and takes it and puts it in Drew’s coat pocket and quickly starts to scurry off. I’m about to follow when Drew grabs my arm. I start to bristle, but stop when he holds the money to me. “Make sure he gets it, please.” I nod confused that he just said please and the sad look in his eyes. He smiles lightly handing me the money then, a protective look goes into his eyes. “And if you hurt him you’ll have me to deal with!” He says pounding his fist and starts walking away with a smirk. ‘Weird. . .’

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