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Angel’s POV

“Angel! Welcome home!” Grandma exclaim coming into view. Her eye’s widen when she see’s Rebel. “Who’s this charming young man?” She ask. “Grandma this is Rebel, my partner for music and the one who helped me out the other day.” I tell her. I look at Rebel. He is smiling brightly, but something about it’s off. I just can’t place it though. It’s mainly in his eyes. He holds out his hand. “Hello ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He says politely. I see something flash in grandma’s eyes before she shakes his hand. “So polite! Nice to meet you too! Thanks for saving him the other day!”

“It was nothing. I’m glad I was able to help.” Rebel tells her as we file into the living room. “What is your last name dear? You sound familiar.” Gran asks. Rebel hesitates then replies, “Scott, Rebel Scott.” My grandmas eyes widen, “Like Matt Scott?” she ask. “Um. . .y-yes. He’s my f-father.” He stutters his smile faltering. “Oh. . .” Grandma says and sympathy comes into her eyes. She’s about to say something else, but Rebel beats her to it, “So, are you going to get your guitar?” Grandma closes her mouth with a knowing look and I, the only one confuse, just nods. “Yeah, come on I’ll show you my room.” I say and start heading to my room with Rebel in tow. 

“Okay, make yourself at home while I get it.” I tell him discarding my school stuff. “Kay.” He replies and I smile. I go to the kitchen to see gram. I use this as my chance. “Do you know Rebel?” I ask. “Yes, I do. Your father went to school with is mom.” She say not looking up. “What was up with the ‘oh. . .” earlier?” I ask. “Nothing.” She replies. “Come on grandma, it was something. What is it that you know about him?” I pester and she sighs. “It’s not for me to tell. If Rebel wants you to know then he’ll tell you, okay?” She say. This time I sigh, “Fine.” I start to leave. “Angel.” I stop and look at her. She looks up and straight into my eyes, “Be good to that boy. Try and get a real smile on his face, he deserves that.” I stare in shock as she looks away and gets back to work. I wrinkle my brow and leave to get my guitar. That’s mysterious. . . Is that what’s up with his eyes? I go and grab my guitar. 

I return to my room to and Rebel is sitting on my bed texting someone with a serious expression. Who’s he texting? I hesitate by the door, but he sighs and  puts his phone away. I come in and he instantly smiles. “I’ve got my baby!” I say patting the case. He giggles as I sit next to him. “Do you want my gramps to drive us to your house or are we going to walk?” I ask. 

“Um is it okay if we walk?” He ask shyly. “Yeah of course. Come on let’s go.” I say standing and so does he. We head to the door and I yell, “I’ll be at Rebel’s! Be back in a few!” Rebel rubs his ear and I smile. “Okay! See ya hun!” Grandma does her best to yell back. We get out the door and to the street. I turn to Rebel. “Okay, lead the way.” He smiles that off looking smile and starts walking.

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