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Angel's POV 

I wake up with a blanket over me. I look around to see the boy from earlier no where in sight. ‘Where’d he go?’ I sit up and shiver. I realize I have no shirt on and I’m covered in bandages. ‘Did he do this?’ I see my shirt folded on the couch next to me. I put it on and for the first time look at the inside of the house. The living room is pretty empty. Only the couch, a chair and a lamp. On the beige walls there are picture frames, but all the pictures are turned around so you can’t see the picture. ‘Wonder why they are like that?’ I decide to look around for the kid from earlier. I walk around the almost empty house. ‘There is barely anything in this house.’

I pass a bathroom and finally come upon a room. The door is open slightly and like the normal person I am I peek in. I see the kid from earlier only this time he is shirtless. I feel my cheeks warm, but then my widen when I see the long scars on his back that look like they go to his stomach. ‘What the hell?’ He slips on a shirt and starts to head to the door. I take a few steps back and start walking forward as if I just got there. He comes out and sees me. He smiles. “Your awake! How do you feel?” He asks. “I feel great. Thanks a bunch.” I tell him. “It was no problem! Gram always told me to be helpful!” He says happily. “Gram?” I ask. “My grandma.” He walks down the hall leaving it at that.

I follow him into the small and bare kitchen. He is cleaning the only dish I’ve seen. “Wow, your parents must not by a lot.” I simply state. He freezes for a split second, but continues on. “Yeah. They’re very stingy.” He answers and starts drying off the dish. ‘What was that about?’ He opens on of the cabins and I see three plates and two bowls. ‘That’s weird. This kid is peaking my interest.’ “Oh, your phone was making weird sounds while you were asleep.” He tells me with a gentle smile. ‘Everything about him is gentle.’ I pull it out and see that my grandma called twice and the last one was from grandpa. ‘Shit! They must be worried. I was suppose to be home three hours ago!’ I put my phone away quickly. “Hey sorry, but I have to go!” I tell him quickly. I swear I see sadness flash in his blue eyes, but it disappears quickly. “Okay.” He leads me to the door and I put my shoes on. “Where exactly are we?” I ask him wanting to know my bearings. “Well my address is 142 W. Andrews St. If that helps any.” He says. “Yeah that does a lot! I live like three blocks from here! Thanks a lot!” I yell walking in the direction I need. “It was no problem.” He yells. “Oh, I’m Angel by the way!” I yell. He yells something in response, but I’m too far to hear it. ‘Damn! He probably just told me his name.’ I pull out my phone and call my grandma. I moved in with them a few days ago, because my parents couldn’t handle me. Sadly I have to start school tomorrow. New bitches and new dicks. At least there are new teacher to piss off. My grandma answers in a worried voice. “Angel! Are you okay?! Where are you?! We are worried sick about you!” I smile. Unlike my parents my grandparents actually worry about me. “Yeah, sorry grandma. I got into a fight then, someone came and helped me out. I accidentally fell asleep on his couch. I am so sorry.” I rush out. I may be a rebel, but I love my grandma. She sighs. “I’m glad your safe do we need to come get you?” She asks. I smile as I open to their, now my, home and lightly yell, “Nope! I’m home!”

“Welcome back!” I hear grams yells. ‘Wow. I’m not use to getting a reply. Mom and Dad were never home when I get back.’ “Bout damn time.” My grandpa says warm heartily as I sit next to him in the living room. Grandma comes in and gasps seeing the bandage on my cheek. “Are you okay?” She ask coming over to me. “Yeah I just got in a fight exploring town.” I say. “Did ya whoop his ass?” Gramps asks. “No. Had to run.” I sigh. “Why?” Gramps asks. “He had a knife.” He scoffs and grams gasp. “You could of took him. I laugh. “I could of if he didn’t have four other guys with him.” Grandma covers her mouth. “Four against one? That’s a sissy move!” Gramps exclaims. “I know right. If they didn’t have knifes I could’ve took them.” I tell him with a smirk. “That’s my boy.” Grandpa says patting my back. Grandma sighs and mutters something about boys. “So who patched you up.” She ask. “This strange boy did. I was just sitting under a tree in the rain when he came up and brought me to his house and patched me up.” I tell her. Her eyes widen. “Really?” I nod and she smiles. “It’s good to know that there are people out there who help those in need.” I nod smiling thinking about the strange boy. “Was he cute? Are you smiling cause you like him?” My grandma asks. I blush. “I-I. . .I’m going to go finish unpacking!” I say quickly standing up and heading up stairs. I hear grandma giggle. I sigh. ‘At least they accept the fact that I’m gay.’ I turn on some music and finish unpacking.

I lay down after my shower. I had finished packing and went down for dinner. Now I have to go to bed. I have school aka hell tomorrow. It’ll be my first day while school had started a month ago. ‘Great. I wonder if that kid will be there? He is probably in a lower grade. Damn. . .’ I fall asleep thinking about him.

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