Chapter 14: Antique Shop Things

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Hm, apparently, working at an antiques shop is pretty close to working at a gift shop!

I'm Colette, and this is my day so far. Well, I work as a cashier right now in this shop. It's a store owned by my so-called parents. They kind of (emphasis on kind of) adopted me and I live with 'em, not like some kinda junkie with no job though.

Well, I lost mine awhile ago... But I'm not a junkie! I swear! I might be hyper a lot but nooo, I am not! But anyways, I work here and I am getting my job back. 100 per cent.

There isn't a lot to do, except for run the numbers and moving the stocks or deal with customers who are selling to us. I'm not great at either though, Griff says my smile scares some people away and I don't think I'm strong enough to carry all the things around and about. But that's okay, I'm good at math and math is what a cashier needs. Pops said I'm the best cashier he's had.

So here's a mini introduction of the people here! Pops owns the shop (hey that rhymed) and deals with the sellers who want to sell their obtained antiques to us for a price. He's really good at it too. Aaaaand there's Hugo. He moves stuff around like Edgar does. I think Edgar would win if they had a contest of stocking things. He has a scarf too but Hugo might just win if no scarf. I dunno.

There's also Ma, she was the cashier before I was here. But mostly that was Ernie's job. (He's the other cashier who's on his holiday).

Anyways she usually bakes cookies or served cups of tea or something to the sellers that come over. Honestly she's probably the reason why the sellers come back- Her cookies are absolutely irresistable! I'd eat them every day if I could but I couldn't, because that would give me cavities. Also, I'd get sick of eating the same thing every day.

Actually, I'll talk more about Ernie. I mean I only said that he was usually the cashier and he is now on vaycay. Ernie's a tall and skinny guy, buildt like Edgar but skinnier and a bit shorter. He has short, black and raggedy hair that kinda looks great on him, not gonna lie. He has a tan that makes him look orangey and a blue and red sweater he always wears. And grey trousers plus red sneakers I think. He's also pretty talkative ane has a red nose all the time. Is he that cold? It's not like winter's all year round.

Well, enough about me talking about my current colleagues. I think I'll talk something else.

The shop! As yes, the shop.

The shop's called Holly Street Antiques, left to some stairs that lead to another street below, namely Roselty Street. Full of flowers, cafés and goldfish. And children's toys. We're left of a cafe called Caffé Blanc and it has the best hot choc. Also why it's crowded in the winter. Free advertising for us too, I guess.

Inside the shop, there are shelves of random stuff, white walls and brown wooden doors. Three doors, actually.

The first door (you can see it immediately after you walk in) leads to a small room with a table and chairs where Pops and the seller discuss prices and antique stuff like how to take care of it. And the walls there are soundproof too.

The second door, right behind the cashier in the bottom left of the store was the storeroom. The place where Hugo lived to do his work. Like Edgar, he really loves chimming there. I'll never understand the attachment between stockboys and storerooms, really. Actually, I'll interview them someday. Just gotta prep the questions.

And the final one. It's the most interesting since it's kinda like a small corridor with brown tiles on the floor. And a shoe rack on the side. But yeah, at the end leads to the backyard, filled with flowers (Pops likes gardening). Then at the side of the corridor thingy, right of the shoerack there's some stairs and that leads to home upstairs! Yep, we live directly above the shop. Convenient, right? Honestly I could've worked here in the first place but a girl's gotta see the world! Plus, Starr Park's a place where joy's a rule so it guarantees I'll have a happy day there, every day. And it's right too! No, seriously it is.

Enough about the shop, it's time for something else. Plus it's boring for you, the reader, to listen to me ramble on and on, right?

What do I talk about? Hm...

Fake scenario!

Edgar's picking magazines of emo stuff, right? What kinda mags d'ya think he'd pick?

Hang on, I'll search it up... Ah, here's one. It's called Kerosene. Emz reads that one!!! Yes, let's look at it's contents.

I clicked on the link, leading to the website where I could read the issue of Kerosene.

I skimmed through the table of contents to find the fashion section to see the outfits. Not gonna lie, they were cuteeeee!

There was this girl who had a denim jacket, a Pink Day shirt, red and black stockings and a denim skirt. Plus chains n' a spikey heart choker! Very trendy.

On the right.. Oh! Emz wore something like that recently! Anything Emz approved is good, 100% guaranteed! Flipping through this sure is nice. Maybe I'll base an outfit off this stuff with what I have.

Hehe, going through this stuff is fun. I bet he'd suggest me gothic lolita. Yeah, I researched this stuff a bit. Just for this.

Enough about outfits, there's a music section with the top charts of "Pop Punk and Emo Rock"- that's what the title says! It featured the bands Paramore and Fall Out Boy and their music.

Edgar probably likes them, it seems like stuff he'd like. Bet "The Phoenix" is his favourite Fall Out Boy song!

Paramore had stuff like Still Into You. Actually, when I think of it, the song reminds me a bit of us. Apparently it's based off a relationship with the vocalist and some random guy. Reading the lyrics, I can see us in there.

But we aren't a couple though! Still... I really can! Like the lyrics (I searched them up) say "It's not a walk in the park to love each other" "But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny you're worth it". That (as in the first lyric) can intertie with how we started as co-workers. I still remember that he was very cold and wasn't all that great to me. But he eventually warmed up and look at us now! Friends!

The second one is kinda after we got to know each other. Can't deny that he's worth knowing. He's a great guy, I think he's the first to show that he wants to know me. Others just hang about me I guess. Not sure but oh well, I got Eddie!

Don't tell him I said that, will you? He might think the name's too cute. But I like it.

Anyways, I am definitely overthinking this lyric stuff. It's kinda fun though I won't lie.


A/N: XD I bet ya didn't expect an update so soon! I hope you like this chapter. And there maaaaaaaaaaay be another one soon, who knows. I work in very msyterious ways. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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