Ch. 1

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Your eyes shot open, your chest heaved, and your whole body was aching. Before your mind had time to register your current state, your head suddenly throbbed in pain, making you flinch slightly. Your hand traveled up to your temple as you gently massaged it, trying to relieve the pain.

"What happened?" Your voice was hoarse as it scratched its way out of your throat. Your eyes began taking in your surroundings, widening in surprise at the strange environment. 

A bedroom.

However, you weren't so sure if this was a bedroom anymore. The furniture was heavily damaged, and the bed was toppled over, the frame broken in pieces.

How did I get here?

Your train of thoughts was soon disrupted by an ear-deafening growl outside the room. It didn't belong to any animal known, that much you knew for sure. You hurriedly looked around the room for any weapons for survival, but all that you could find was a baseball bat that was already broken in half. 

The growl suddenly stopped, replaced by footsteps that were getting louder by the second. You didn't know who it was, so the wisest thing to do was hide. By the time the footsteps approached the door, you were already crouched in a corner, your figure hidden behind a cabinet.

The door swung open, and you could hear a man whispering under his breath.

"Wasn't she here just now?"

Another pair of footsteps entered the room, his voice was much louder than the previous one.

"Is she not here?"

"Seems so."

"Impossible! I remember placing Y/N here-"

Your ears perked up at the mention of your name, and you concluded that they must be the ones who took you here. However, the thought of confronting two men that could easily take you down made you hesitate as you shifted your body unconsciously.

One of the men seemed to notice your movement as his footsteps slowly approached your hiding place.


Your fight-or-flight instincts awoke as you prepared to calculate the steps needed to run for safety. However, you were soon distracted by an ethereal face staring at your soul, his perfect brows frowning at your blank expression.

"Ah, so you were here all the time! Come on, you can follow us back to the base now." 

"Base? What base?" You slowly stood up and patted off the dust from your clothes, a question mark visible on your features. Another man, as handsome as the previous man, eyed you with curiosity. 

"Y/N, are you alright? Base A, I'm Jin, you were running for your life when you bumped into me and requested shelter at my base, does that ring a bell?" The so-called Jin-man rambled on, seemingly not to notice your confused state.

"Wait, I don't recall meeting any of you in my life?" you stated, to which the man that was looking at you gave out a not-so-friendly chuckle.

"Really, after all those begging and sobbing, you pretend to not know Jin? What are you planning at, woman?"

His words didn't help you at all but only managed to make you even more confused. Who were they? Why did they claim to have met you when you have no memory of it?

"Look, I really don't know what you are talking about. Since you don't seem too happy about my presence, can you please let me go home? You can go back to wherever you belong, and let's pretend that I never asked for... shelter, or whatever at your base." You twiddled your fingers nervously, hoping that they would let you go.

"And where exactly do you plan to go to once we part ways?" The unfriendly man stated with a grin.

"My home. We're still in Korea, right?"

The men glanced at each other with unreadable expressions.

"... right?"

Jin coughed nervously as he looked at you. "Y/N, are you sure you still have a home? You claimed that your house was invaded by zombies already-"

"What the hell? Zombies? Are y'all out of your minds or something?!" You couldn't believe it. Not only did they kidnap you, but they even planned to trick you with the fact that zombies were a thing! What was wrong with them?

This was the last straw for Jimin. First, you claimed that you didn't know who they were, when no more than half an hour ago, you were on your knees begging them for a place to stay. Next, you requested to part ways and acted as if the world was still perfectly normal, and that you could survive all on your own. Now what? You didn't remember that zombies were roaming the world when you clearly encountered one before you met them.

He grabbed you by your shirt roughly, ignoring your cries, and dragged you to the hallway to the window. After you finally saw the rotten bodies walking around the area, you started trembling uncontrollably, as if it was your first time seeing zombies. 

"Pathetic." He spat.

You couldn't believe it. This was a prank. This had to be a prank. Where were the cameras? Why weren't they laughing? You looked at Jin, and to the other man. They looked dead serious. 

"Um, i-is this a remake of Train To Busan? A-Ah, if I knew I was gonna appear on live TV, I should've dolled up myself. So, y-you've managed to prank me, it's time to laugh and get this over with." You gave out an awkward laugh, which only managed to thicken the atmosphere.

"This is no fun and games. Our lives are at stake now." Jin deadpanned.

"Impossible. The last time I checked, the only bad news in this world was there were pineapples on my pizza, and my boyfriend cheated on me. How do you get zombies invading our world all of a sudden?!" Even though there was no reason for you to not believe them, you still refused to accept it. Reality was stranger than fiction now.

Jin was speechless at your behavior. He didn't know what happened to you within the half an hour he and Jimin were fighting off zombies outside the room, but it wasn't good. Jimin, on the other hand, was on the verge of snapping. You faked this for their attention, that was for sure. A lot of women had tried to gain their sympathy because of their looks, but you... You were on another level.

After a few seconds of silence, Jin spoke. "It seems that you have some problem remembering some things, but the main thing now is to get you to safety. We don't know how long they will take before barging in here, so how about we take you back to our base and let you have some alone time figuring this out?"

"Hyung..." Jimin wanted to say otherwise, but a stern glare from Jin shut him up.

You slowly nodded and followed them out to their car. 

It's alright, Y/N. Everything will be back to normal soon. You just have to live with this for some time, this should just be some sort of a twisted nightmare. 

Or is it?





Woo! A draft and story idea that I have been working on for a long time is finally published!  This story concludes my first book, so I really hope you enjoyed it! Any form of feedback is greatly appreciated! ♡ 

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