Ch. 3

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"Hello Hoseok, the name's Y/N." You grinned widely.

Hoseok tilted his head and eyed you curiously before saying, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new?"

"Yes." You paused and thought of what Jin said to Yuri. "Jin and another man found me this morning while searching for resources. I-I was escaping from the... zombies then."

"Ah, the other man must be Jimin, Park Jimin. Since you're new here, I suppose you don't know anything about our meeting tomorrow?"

You shook your head, confused.

"Basically, we have to go search for food and daily necessities in pairs once a month, since quite a few people are staying here. It's safe as long as you are able to run or use a gun, just remember to not get close to the Zombie King's area."

"Zombie King? Are you talking about the man and woman who can control zombies?"

"Yes. Don't worry, you can team up with me if you want, I can protect you." He gave you a playful wink, to which you only blushed in response.

Target acquired. My life shall depend on Hoseok and Yuri for now.




You made yourself comfortable on a sofa in your room before began plotting your plan tomorrow. You were going to find the so-called zombie King and have him send you back to your world. There were risks, but you were willing to take it. Anything to leave this messed-up place.

"So, Hoseok will most definitely not bring me anywhere near the Zombie King's base, so I'll have to think of a way to distract him. Then I make a run for it. Then I get killed by the zombies." 

Letting out a grunt, you ruffled your hair in utter frustration. "Ugh, what are my problems now? Let's see: I don't know how the hell I woke up in this world, or what happened before that. What is my purpose here? On top of that, I have no experience dealing with zombies, so I'll possibly turn into one if I'm not careful enough tomorrow." Silence engulfed your room as another thought suddenly popped into your head. "Wait... I'm not from this world, is it possible for me not to die?"

Nah, it's impossible. But then, I could try?

However, the idea was too absurd and was quickly forgotten in seconds. Although you didn't manage to figure out a solution to your problem, you decided to make use of the chance tomorrow and properly venture the area and maybe, just maybe find a way into the Zombie King's building safely.

With that in mind, you closed your tired eyes and went to sleep.




The man's hand lingered on the doorknob for a while as he hesitated whether to open the door. After some thinking, he decided not to and proceeded to walk back to his room, still thinking about what he heard.

What did you mean by you not belonging to this world? And the fact that you won't die? He was beyond confused now. Were you an alien?

No, that's too far-fetched. However, the thought didn't completely leave his mind. You never know how absurd the truth can be. Nevertheless, he was determined to find out your true motive, regardless of what it is.




The next morning, you were awakened by Hoseok's knocking on your door, reminding you about the 'search of resources' that was going to start soon. You noticed that he actually had a bright personality, and looked like the one person that still carries hopes that the world had a chance of becoming normal again.

The both of you walked towards the hall, and you briefly could see a crowd of people gathering around Jin, who seemed to be assigning something.

"Yuri, as usual, you will stay around and handle the patients, while Jimin you'll-"

"Let me tag along. I won't be a nuisance. Didn't you teach me some defensive skills and how to use a gun?" Yuri interrupted Jin, her expression full of determination.

The said man shook his head solemnly. "It's too dangerous, we can't afford to have you, our best doctor dying in the hands of zombies."

"My life belongs to me. I have the ability to take care of myself, and I really don't want to stay back like always. Let me join, please."

Jin thought for a while before finally agreeing to Yuri's proposal. "Jimin, you'll team up with Yuri. Take care of her and don't get into danger."

"Alright, now who do we have left?" Jin glanced around the crowd and stopped when he saw your approaching form. "Aha! Y/N, since it's only your second day here, you can choose whether to join us for the search of resources or stay."

"I'm going." I must go.

"And I'll team up with her." Hoseok chirped happily beside you.

Jin was about to agree when a deep voice cut him off. "No, let me team up with Y/N." 

You looked at the owner of the voice, only for your breath to be taken away by the perfectly symmetrical face, which eyes were staring at you intensely. He looked handsome, that's for sure, but the way he was staring at you managed to give you goosebumps. You've never seen him before, so why did he suddenly want to team up with you?"

Seokjin furrowed his brows at the male's request. "Taehyung? Um, well, Hoseok sortta requested first, so-" 

"My marksmanship is better than Hoseok's, I have the ability to protect her better than him. She doesn't seem to know how to use a gun, so it's best for her to follow me." He deadpanned, his eyes still locked on yours.

"Well then, you do have a point. Then it's decided. Y/N, you'll follow Taehyung, and Hoseok, I'll assign you to another person." The leader announced.

"But-" Hoseok gave out a small pout.

"No buts."

You and Taehyung walked through the alley silently, no one planning to initiate conversation. You were still figuring out why he wanted to team up with you, as he never talked to you throughout the whole journey.

The male suddenly came to a halt, making you bump into his back. While you were busy cradling your almost-broken nose, he was looking at you, as if studying your reaction.

You noticed him looking at you and shifted uncomfortably, a shade of rosy pink slowly clouding your face.

"W-Why do you keep staring at me? Is there something on my face?" You cupped your cheeks in an attempt to hide from his burning gaze.

"Are you an alien?" 






Scratch what I said in the last chapter. Y'all are having a double update today.

Hope you liked it:)

- a i l e e જ

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