Ch. 6

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Yuri's reaction was the exact same as Jimin's, as she held on your shoulders in an exaggerated way while persuading you to look at the positive side of your life, and that there still was hope for humanity.

"Gosh, calm down, Yuri. I'm not trying to end my life, I just need his help." 

The girl looked at you like you had just announced that you were from another world before letting go of you, her face turning pale. "Y/N, do you not understand the power that man holds? He could just kill you in a snap if he wanted, and now you're addressing him like some sort of... friend!"

"I know, but I'm sure I can persuade him, though not without your help." Your determined gaze seemed to soften Yuri a bit as she retreated a few steps, a hesitant look on her face.

"H-How do you want me to help you?"

"Mmm, nothing much, just help me distract the zombies outside their King's building while I find a way to sneak in."

You could sense Yuri wanting to explain that the zombies were more than you could imagine, and quickly shushed her with the shake of your hand. 

"I know, I know, Jimin gave me the same pep talk. That's why I need Jin's help too. He can bring along some weapons, a bomb ideally, and serve as a distraction. Zombies are attracted to whatever loud and looks like a snack, right?" As in, you and Jin.

"You're not wrong, but it really is risky. I'm not sure if I can do this yet, give me some time to think it through."

"Alright, take your time." You'd better be fast, I don't wanna be trapped in this world for the rest of my life.

Before you turned away, Yuri suddenly called your name, her face once again reddened.

"D-Do you really promise t-to... help me get Jin if I agree?"





You knew that you had to take action for Yuri to make a final decision, and that's the reason you were on your way to finding Jin.

The said man was currently sitting before a table with a huge map laid across. The pen in his hand worked its way around the paper as he mumbled incoherent words to himself, seemingly plotting a route for the next resource hunt.


As if indulged in his own world, Jin didn't seem to notice you, even when your volume was greatly increased. Giving out a defeated sigh, you stood closer to him, yet even when there was no more than a meter's distance between you both, he still failed to sense your presence.

I guess he won't even notice me if I kidnapped him here and then.

Your head minimized its distance to the man's as you chanted his name, and that's when he finally snapped out of his world.

Everything that happened next was a blur. The only thing you could register through your barely functioning senses was a soft touch on your lips.


Your eyes grew wide, and your breath hitched once you realized what had happened.

You and Jin... kissed.

All of Us are Dead (BTS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz