Ch. 7

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You were at the main hall, surrounded by a crowd of people. They were all looking at Jin, who seems to be troubled by something.

He cleared his throat and began, "You probably know that you all are gathered here for an urgent meeting, which will affect our chances of survival in this world. Now, please don't be shocked by my question and respond if needed."

A pause.

"Do any of you feel... Abnormal these days? As in, you are able to do something a-a normal human can't."

His words echoed across the silent hall as people began exchanging whispers among themselves.

"Please, I need to know if this is true."

A few seconds passed when Jimin finally stood forward, his expression solemn.

"I don't know why, but I am able to hear what someone's thoughts if I focused hard enough. It isn't clear, though I can make it out distinctly."

Jin nodded and looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"L-Look at me." Everyone's attention was now on Hoseok, whose eyes had shut closed. Then, his body began to slowly disappear, his brief silhouette now so being the only evidence he was still standing there. Within a blink of an eye, he was back there again, half-smiling at the amazed crowd.

"I guess I can turn invisible?"

"I can produce sparks from my hand." You looked at the owner of the voice - Taehyung, a stoic expression on his face as always. You wondered how he will look like when he smiled.

Yuri also responded, to which she had admitted that she could heal small cuts just by a touch. You realized that not everyone had the so-called powers, and it only included the people you knew in this base. Well, except for one man, who claimed that he could create force fields. Whatever that meant.

"Y/N?" Jin's voice suddenly rang up.

You looked at him and remembered the encounter before, your face, once again, turning red.


"Do you have powers too?"

You were about to say no, but for some reason, your body was not in your control. It was as if you were watching a movie unfold through the character's point of view. The next thing you knew, you were answering him with a flat tone:

"I can predict the future."




Your eyes fluttered open, and you sat up, examining your surroundings that turned out to be the room you were placed in.

Was that a dream?

The events were still fresh in your mind as you began replaying the scenes: Jin gathering everyone to ask if they had powers; Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Yuri admitting that they had, and... you too. This had got to be one of the weirdest dreams you had in your life, and yet it felt so surreal that you were almost certain it happened, or will happen.

Shrugging off the thought, you decided to get some fresh air outside.

It was still early in the morning, resulting in your relaxing walk turning into you finding all sorts of ways to get rid of the chilly air that was now engulfing your body.

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